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Click for more detail about OneHourWiz:  Public Speaking - The Legendary, World Famous Method for Anyone to Master the Art of Public Speaking by R. Sporty King OneHourWiz: Public Speaking - The Legendary, World Famous Method for Anyone to Master the Art of Public Speaking

by R. Sporty King
Aspatore Books (Dec 01, 2001)
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OneHourWiz: Public Speaking (The Legendary, World Famous Method to Mastering Public Speaking) will enable ANYONE to master the art of public speaking. Whether giving a presentation to a few individuals, presenting to thousands of people, or just wanting to speak confidently to others, this book will give you all of the keys to success as a public speaker in an easy to understand format and language. This proprietary process used to become a public speaker employed by Sporty King, a renowned public speaker, is sure to get you speaking confidently in no time.