1 Books Published by C.Nicole Swiner, MD on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about How To Avoid The Superwoman Complex: 12 Ways To Balance Mind, Body & Spirit by C. Nicole Swiner How To Avoid The Superwoman Complex: 12 Ways To Balance Mind, Body & Spirit

by C. Nicole Swiner
C.Nicole Swiner, MD (Dec 29, 2014)
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This book provides an insightful, sometimes humorous guide to help abolish the notion that you have to be “Superwoman” in order for your life to matter. The idea of being “all things to all people” could be at least part of the reason why you are not truly happy and healthy. The goal of this book is to help you truly examine the elements in your life that serve as stressors disguised as “necessary evils.” Let’s face it—many of the “evils” we manage on a day-to-day basis are not necessary. Once you have identified the challenges, the next step is to determine how to work around, get over, go through simply ignore them—all for the greater good; a healthier, happier you.

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