1 Books Published by Denise Bolds on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Raising Princes to be Kings: A Single Black Mother’s Guide to Raising Her Black Son

by Denise Bolds
Denise Bolds (Apr 23, 2009)
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Raising Princes to Be Kings is a guide for black mothers and the relationship with their sons. Every black mother is capable of raising a Barak Obama, Denzel Washington, Ben Carson and many other successful black men. Ms. Bolds book discusses the relationships of black motherhood of the black son from pregnancy to college. Ms. Bolds wants black mothers to celebrate motherhood and to benefit from the success of motherhood - Motherhood is empowering. Raising a black son to a black man takes sacrifice, dedication and preparation as well as discipline of the self. The black male is so far removed by society that he is practically obscure. From childhood to adulthood - the black man faces many stigmas, slights and stresses. Our black sons need us - we have to save our black men - too many have been lost already. It is Time - for the black woman to emblace motherhood in all of its glory, if we want good relationships with out black men, its is time that we raise black men and understand them. To truly raise a black man is to walk in their lives with them - not against them.