1 Books Published by Isla Negra Editores on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Postcards of El Barrio by Willie Perdomo Postcards of El Barrio

by Willie Perdomo
Isla Negra Editores (Jun 24, 2002)
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La poesía de Willie Perdomo se instaura con voz propia y singular. Cada poema se cuela en el canon de la literatura Nuyorican para impartirle una nueva vida. El va más allá de la identidad que en un principio caracterizó la obra de los poetas puertorriqueños en Nueva York.

The poetry of Willie Perdomo places itself with his own and singular voice. Each poem reorganizes the cannon of Nuyorican poetry and gives it a new life. He goes beyond the issue of identity that in the begining defined the works of New York based Puerto Rican poets.
-Mayra Santos-Febres

The book text alternates between English and Spanish.