1 Books Published by Mayo Clinic Press on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Wash Day by Tiffany Golden Wash Day

by Tiffany Golden
Mayo Clinic Press Kids (Oct 17, 2023)
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Meet Jelaya (jeh-LAY-uh.) She hates wash day.

The tugs! The scrubs! The pinching and pulling! Jelaya can’t think of a worse way to spend the day. That is, until her big sister Jasmine says this wash day will be different. Jelaya is going to wash Jasmine’s hair instead!

Wash Day is a sweet and honest exploration of the beauty and tradition of wash days. Offering light guidance and framing the all-day affair as an act of self-care, this picture book also serves as an avenue to demystify and educate others on different care routines, which are often misunderstood and stigmatized.