2 Books Published by Perry Harris Publishing, LLC on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about What’s Yours Is Mine? by Faith Knight What’s Yours Is Mine?

by Faith Knight
Perry Harris Publishing, LLC (Sep 24, 2024)
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Sixteen-year-old Jade Knight is a high school student with a passion for sewing and a dream of becoming a fashion designer. The school she wants to attend is 3,000 miles away, and to prove to her parents that she’s responsible enough to go it alone, she takes a job as a cashier at a local grocery store.

That’s when the drama begins. Overworked by her boss, Mr. Wilson, and criticized by her colleague Gina, Jade finds a bright spot in Bobby—until she suspects he’s also her best friend Neecy’s boyfriend.

Caught in a web of confusion and avoidance, Jade struggles to navigate the chaos brought on by the pandemic. When she finally decides to confront the situation, she’s shocked to discover Neecy is happy about her dating Bobby.


As if that’s not enough, Jade is denied the scholarship she needs to pursue her dreams. On top of that, her parents are divorcing. Now, she must make the toughest decisions of her life: standing up to her coworkers, choosing between her parents, and possibly giving up the two people she doesn’t want to lose.

Click for more detail about The Real Book On How To Cook: Secrets Mother Never Told You by Faith Knight The Real Book On How To Cook: Secrets Mother Never Told You

by Faith Knight
Perry Harris Publishing, LLC (Jun 01, 2013)
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**Recently named ’Best Cook Book’ of 2013 by the African American Literary Awards** Know anyone who can’t cook but would love to learn? The Real Book on How to Cook is specifically created for new cooks to teach them the basics rarely found in traditional cookbooks, such as how to compare recipes, how to choose vegetables or meat, and what seasonings to use with what dishes. It even has FAQs to answer the new cook’s most common questions. Faith Knight uses her own method called P.O.T.S to take you from A to Z so the new cook can build confidence and create great meals.