2 Books Published by Spirit Harvest on AALBC — Book Cover Collage
Desert of Solitude: Refreshed by Grace
by LaShawnda JonesSpirit Harvest (Mar 20, 2018)
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We all want what we want when we want it. What happens when we don’t get what we’ve been hoping and praying for by a certain age in life?Desert of Solitude: Refreshed by Grace is for those of us who have achieved nothing, something or a great deal but are no closer to that "one thing" we most desire. What do you think you’re missing? What do you believe will complete your existence? Whatever "it" is doesn’t matter. You are enough for your life.Desert of Solitude follows the journey of a forty-something year old woman as she shakes herself loose of youthful ideals, and releases herself from expectations formed by family, culture and society. It’s an exploration of her determination to view her life from a position of abundant grace rather than disappointed hopes as she rediscovers satisfaction in God’s grace and His provision in the valleys of life.
The Process of Asking for, Receiving and Giving Love & Forgiveness
by LaShawnda JonesSpirit Harvest (Jan 03, 2011)
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No one is exempt from the desire to be loved and forgiven. Human interactions are fraught with miscommunication, hurt, offense, and pain. Toss in diverse personalities, varying perspectives and other characteristics, such as insecurity, pride, selfishness, stubbornness, or simple lack of awareness, and you can see how relationships become stagnant and eventually die. In The Process of Asking for, Receiving and Giving Love and Forgiveness you will see how love, repentance and forgiveness are much more than words. Each is a choice. Each requires action. Each is a divine expression of life. When you learn to receive and give life through the process of loving, repenting and forgiving, your stagnant and dying relationships will be restored.