1 Books Published by Wanda L. Miller on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Sweet Jessamine by Wanda Miller Sweet Jessamine

by Wanda Miller
Wanda L. Miller (Jul 29, 2014)
Read Detailed Book Description

The moment Louis Harris enters her life, everything changes: reckless freedom, late-night rendezvous, and lying endlessly to her mother which adds further angst to their already fragile relationship. But then comes the day that transforms her world forever: she’s pregnant and Louis, being the young stud that he is, wants nothing to do with her.

Christina decides she must stay with her Aunt Bessie in Charleston South Carolina, a world away from her problems. This place would be the start of new beginnings for her especially when she meets Michael Rose, or so she thought. When her new life in Charleston catches up with her past from Virginia, Christina must decide whether to run away from her problems or take the bitter with the sweet.

Sweet Jessamine is a touching story of family tragedy that sets in motion emotional consequences, and passionate love. Entertaining and humorous, this relatable story takes readers on a romantic journey and captures the spirit of love, faith, and family.