{{first_name,fallback=Reader}}, Happy New Year from AALBC!

This will be the last newsletter for 2019. I trust it reaches you in good health and spirits.

AALBC.com experienced tremendous growth over the past year, despite operating in an environment that is monopolized by a few powerful companies who are increasingly hostile to indie websites.

Your visits and engagement, sharing of our content, book purchases, advertising, newsletter subscriptions, and words of encouragement and feedback are the only reasons AALBC continues to grow.

Of course growth does not come without challenges, but I’ll meet those challenges with your continued support. Reader, you have been a blessing and I thank you.

I’ll be attending the following events in the coming weeks. Hopefully I can meet you at one more:

? January 2nd, I’ll be interviewed by famed poet, and literary activist, E. Ethelbert Miller on his radio program On The Margin which is broadcast on WPFW in Washington, DC.
? January 11th, I’m talking about the business of books during the F.R.E.S.H. Book Festival in Daytona Beach, FL.
? I’m covering the author presentations at the African American Cultural Celebration at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh, NC on January 25th.
? I’m working on attending the William C. Morris Award presentation, which will take place during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting, on January 27th, in Philadelphia, PA.
? January 2nd, I’ll be interviewed by famed poet, and literary activist, E. Ethelbert Miller on his radio program On The Margin which is broadcast on WPFW in Washington, DC.
? January 11th, I’m talking about the business of books during the F.R.E.S.H. Book Festival in Daytona Beach, FL.
? I’m covering the author presentations at the African American Cultural Celebration at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh, NC on January 25th.
? I’m working on attending the William C. Morris Award presentation, which will take place during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting, on January 27th, in Philadelphia, PA.

Please keep reading and sharing what you read with others. Here’s to a 2020 that is even better than 2019!

Peace and Love,
Troy Johnson
Founder & Webmaster, AALBC.com


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? AALBC.com eNewsletter — December 31, 2019 - Issue #284