A Story of Love, Sacrifice, Courage, and Forgiveness — The Love Prison Made and UnMade

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Dear Reader,

Thirteen years ago I met Shaka Senghor. I was a young activist who wanted to change the world and he was a man serving a 17-40 year sentence for second degree murder. Through countless letters and phone calls and visits, we fell deeply in love.

No one in my family understood why I was waiting on a man in prison. My friends thought I was crazy. I felt incredibly alone.

But Shaka and I had an intense spiritual connection — it was as if God had created him just for me — so I ignored other people’s fears and took a chance on love.

Almost from the start we dreamed about our happily-ever-after. We were going to build wealth in our community, travel the world, and make some beautiful brown babies. But happily-ever-after doesn’t always look the way you think it will.


Once Shaka came home, the scars from his life on the streets and his 19-year incarceration proved to be far deeper than either of us realized. His homecoming turned out to be the beginning of the end.

The Love Prison Made and UnMade is a story of love, sacrifice, courage, and forgiveness. It is a stark reminder of the emotional costs of American justice on human lives and it is my hope that it sparks much needed conversation about the impact prison has on lives long after the homecoming.

I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on the book. Please connect with me on Instagram @loveisoursuperpower or on Facebook @EbonyRobertsPhD. You can also subscribe to my mailing list at www.theloveprisonmade.com.

In gratitude,
Ebony Roberts


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