Athens Avenue Keys to Poetry Success

Two Dog Press
Athens Avenue Keys to Poetry Success

Obtained from a Two Dog Press Bookmark

Check out one of the Athens Avenue Poetry Circle’s Publications

  1. Select your members carefully.  Get to know them, their work, and their critiquing style before you invite them to join.
  2. Keep your circle small - no more than six to eight poets.
  3. Maintain stable memberships. Avoid poets who can’t commit to at least three to six months in your circle.
  4. Require everyone to participate by submitting poetry and critiquing other’s work - but be flexible enough to accommodate personal schedules.
  5. Be honest, but tactful in your critiques.  Don’t insult or belittle your fellow authors.  Always try to elaborate on what you like, don’t like, and why.
  6. Encourage each other to read poetry.  Introduce members to your favorite poets and primary influences.
  7. Share information about publications and publishing opportunities with other members.
  8. Celebrate your successes - when you’re published, receive recognition, or get fan mail.
  9. Do thing together.  Put together a web site.  Attend or participate in poetry readings as a group.  Publish a chap book.  Be a team.
  10. Support each other.


Last Updated: Monday, September 18, 2017