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Duped Again: Wealth, the only Compensation for not Being White?




Black the beautiful, naturally kinky hair, natural walk, and talk, values traded for the almighty dollar.  African American is led down many roads to envy, feelings of discontent and a resentful itch caused by the possessions, qualities, and dumb luck of white America.  The problems we face lay just behind the facade of the greatest lie ever told; that enslave, imprison, kill, and steal distinction of Black folk.  We’re given a title that separates us, African American; and left confused about who we are or want to be.  And don’t even realize it!


And we agonize over debasement of our Black children, worry for their safety and wonder how matters got so far out-of-hand in-spite of our (so-called) successful accomplishments.  We dismiss the straight hair conversion, bleaching cream discoloration, and our fortunes over the unfortunate as part of the problem.  We are content, over happiness with what we’ve become.


Village elders molest the children, instead of help rearing them, while the children compete, one with the other, in fatal games designed in the name of freedom.  


As the band plays on, joints and needles are distributed to soothe and to celebrate our individuality.   African American is led down many roads to envy, satisfied or dismissed by material possessions.  The band plays on to satisfy our perverted needs; we're almost like White and White folks.  


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