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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2016 in Posts

  1. The most effective thing the Democrats can do with their "staff" is go through it with a fine tooth comb and start weeding out those who aren't really sincere in supporting and voting for the progressive issues on the Democrat platform. One thing about the Republicans, demographically they may be smaller in number than the Democrats but atleast ALL of them are inline with eachother and work as a team to pass legislation and win elections. They are far more united from the bottom to the top. Half of of the Democrat party hates and mistrusts the other half. Half of the party is sincere and wants to fight for the issues............ The other half can evenly be divided into - those who are Democrats in name only but are actually conservative racists that pal around with their friends in the Republican party -and those who are sincerely for progressive issues but are too cowardly and weak to stand up and fight for them. Even with the recent election, there were enough Democrats in each state to demand a recount. As you pointed out, far more people voted Democrat than Republican.....so the PEOPLE would have supported a recount. But they didn't get one. Not because of Jill Stein....but because DEMOCRATS refused to stand up and fight for one. Not even so much as an argument or a questioning of the results. Why in the hell were conservative Republicans.....typical establishment figures....talking more about voter fraud and voter suppression than Black and Latino Democrats who've been historical victims of it??????
    1 point
  2. Legacy? What "legacy" does Obama have besides a continuation of Bush's foreign and domestic policies? Not even the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) can be considered a legacy because all it is is just a re-enforced version of the same policies that existed before to keep the insurance corporations richer at the public's expense. He has no legacy and neither will Trump. They are just different masks on the same corporate faces who really run this nation. If people want to see a REAL legacy that a President has left then they should study the works of Franklin D. Roosevelt and how what he built and initiated 80 years ago (like Social Security) are still benefiting the nation today.
    1 point
  3. I've been following Amazon on all fronts. What really blow me away is the latest project in grocery shopping. Thus far Amazon has been experimenting with staff. They walked into the store, chose the product, scan it with their I Phone and walk out without interfacing with a cashier--loss jobs--the sale goes to their bank account. Mr. Bezos is preparing a rocket for commercial travel into space--hopefully by the end of 2018! (I Love space travel projects.) There is a race going on to colorize Mars. Trump (that's about as respectfully I can come in naming him) invited top executives of the Sillacon Valley to a discussion on the future of technology, I believe Bezos was in attendance. Word in a legitimate news media said Trump informed the equally (?) rich individuals that he is going to take care of them [as president]. Bezos was heard to say later that he would let him ride in his rocket into outer space. Om Malik wrote in the New Yorker.com/business/, November 28, 2016. The lead-in was that perhaps it's time for those of us who populate the technology sphere to ask ourselves some really hard questions. But what caught my attention was, "However, when you are a data-driven oligarchy like Facebook, Google, Amazon, or Uber, you can't really wash your hands of the impact of your algorithms and your ability to shape popular sentiment in our society. " Malik goes on to say, and I quote, "If you are Amazon, you have to acknowledge that you are slowly corroding the retail sector, which employs many people in this country." We, African Americans, are going to have forge our own way in the Trump-era. Be it in retail, literature, and--God forbid--space travel. Season Greetings.
    1 point
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