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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2019 in Posts

  1. You sure do judge a lot of book by their covers. My Reagan/pedophile article - you dismissed because the first thing you saw at the top was an image of the Washington Times and did not read beyond that because you didn't like that one image. "64 Years" was published in 1995. Nobody started questioning the authenticity of the Willie Lynch speech until the mid-2000s when said speech was first circulated on the NEW internet and easily found by anyone. Alfred Ali found the Lynch speech the old fashioned way - digging through card catalogs at libraries. Jelani Cobb, who you're referencing as the guy who called the letter a hoax, had the easy job of criticizing someone else's work in 2004. There were in fact "Lynch Laws" named after a Captain William Lynch. But some say those laws were named after Charles Lynch. Some say not one black man or woman was raped by white people during slavery times too. Just sayin'. Ali's "64 Years" is a painful, but good read. We're not going to revoke all those Image Awards the Denzel Washington movie "The Great Debaters" won since it mentions the Willie Lynch speech. The movie was released in 2007, three years after Cobb said Lynch is a hoax. There's no need to condemn Ali's work just because of one page. He's a Detroit school teacher and firefighter who had the courage to write this book. Good for him.
    1 point
  2. Another book I have to add to the site.
    1 point
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