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Everything posted by Rev

  1. @pioneer you lost you’re reasoning sense the not an ounce of rational left in you no humanity. Theres no reasoning with you etHi s code that abide to doesn’t suit me murder steal rape steal tHe very same atrocities that they’ve done is what in their constitution how conniving let’s hurry and do it then set up laws against it. but the earth is getting closer they skin cancer is on the rise birth rates are down divine judgment….so the fight is not with us it’s with what they can’t see @Pioneer1 you lost you’re reasoning sense the not an ounce of rational left in you no humanity. Theres no reasoning with you etHi s code that abide to doesn’t suit me murder steal rape steal tHe very same atrocities that they’ve done is what in their constitution how conniving let’s hurry and do it then set up laws against it. last thing against it didn’t just did atrocious things against race of color remember adopt schikleburg hitler what he did in history against his own people so imagine what hill do against other people lord but the earth is getting closer they skin cancer is on the rise birth rates are down divine judgment….so the fight is not with us it’s with what they can’t see
  2. When I say Indian I didn’t mean Native American I’m talking India continent of Asia how can arrows and bows stop guns never heard of don’t bring knife to a gun fights and people naturally love life the more you see people dying in front of you you give up they use gun gums were an eastern idea.. another tactics they use they used to kill buffaloes for fun just so the native Indians in America will starve to death why do you think so many white people don’t believe listen idk if u white or u dealing with whites their no statue limitations on murder one day they will have to answer for their documented crimes
  3. Who if you believe that you don’t know anything about history Greek supposedly try to conquered the world by so much so they pushed Englishmen out of England then they turn on other people they were practicing it on them first the American revolution… Greed You believe enslaving people is right at the expense of others they do there fore I believe that’s a nurture if a beast a lion care not who or what it kills…and no remorse for what it kills… it was a systematic genocide around the world if it was only Africans they did that too okay but Indians Australian asll around the world man that’s a nature of a beast should you not say so why not just say okay the beast out best them all lying cunning devil remember the devil is always depicted as red so when they burn they turned red so by that definition alone they are the devil
  4. @ProfDits not that they enjoy they have morals if u read the post above @Pioneer1said success of the white man came through by stealing so I asked I did the same thing will it be okay. black folks are naturally nurture by nature our hearts are built with compassion if you ever watch first contact you see how they embrace the Britain when they went to Australia what did the do to the original people. never did I say that stealing was right I was going based on what was said.
  5. So let’s say I want a mansion right now I know someone who has it is it okay for me right now to go to their house kill them and take it because I want success
  6. We are predisposed is not that we are born with. Is are whatever you talking about here it’s human problem is not what comes out of a man that makes him sick but what he eats diet can easily be change so that arguement is every disease on earth is man made but that’s another topic but to lighten up. You’re night here’s a little satirical truth
  7. Doesn’t mean they not curse curse is forever not a temporary solution hooray for tHose who can afford sunscreens imagine the one who can’t. They carrying that man but that doesn’t mean he superior if he loses his sunscreen he’s burned that cursed is still there. not to get off topic you know what a cuckold is now imagine the master calling the ones that were enslaved masters not that I’m promoting pornography but I find white cuckold disgusting. but they sun burn remains on them forever wether they like it or not and if you think murder steal rape theft is a good thing maybe everyone just be like the white race do unto others have they’ve done unto you I. Don’t believe in that myself and no black person believes because demise is at their own hands and it’s bloody. If you call that success you have no respect for life for another human being as I see I think you will do the same to get it to if you may the devil be cast out of you my Dear Penpal or type pal why would be the accurate way of saying it internet correspond
  8. You not listening to what being said here and it has nothing to do with the Bible I’m talking bout friend that couldn’t come out because they dated getting burn from the sun that’s fact if I know it’s hard not to have this conversation with a white (pink)folks about the sun majority of them will tell you they hate the sun now You said what kinda cursed allows a group of people to rise to the top and enslaved a group of people now let’s see how they acquire their wealth if you have any moral values you will see first of all they conquered tHe world by way of deception America isn’t theirs Australia isn’t theirs let Canada isn’t theirs Virgin Islands isn’t theirs let’s not forget the places that they colonized and still have a chokehold on those countries the means they used to acquire them were inhumane rob steal murder those are some of tHe atrocities they have done across the world let alone enslavement nail in tHe coffin a group of people who have done a crime against humanity to acquire what they have today if that’s not mortally wrong I don’t know what is Think for yourself. imagine I came to you’re house I’m thirsty I asked you for a glass a water u went in got it for me as soon as you turn u back I killed u take possession of you’re house rape ur wife and killed you’re son is that house rightfully mine or was I just manifesting my destiny ?
  9. @Pioneer1 i get it but you know I like to go with deep but I digress lol
  10. THat is not true at all as across the racial spectrum you will whatever you just described as in all different ethnic group now but but but what I was getting at the pale skin itself is cursed you many of our people aren’t fortunate enough to live around white folks to see how they envy you they praise you in you’re face but the hate the have for you it’s not really they really have no problem with you they truly hate themselves for how they were born. my white friends were under a constant reminder as to use sunscreen every time they go out if not they and ask why them not me I’ll always tease them by saying hey man God look upon me with favors they’ll laugh but deep down it was killing them inside but I jokingly tease them but I was always being truthful with them by saying hey man if you only comes out night you wouldn’t have that problem u still have twelve hours to enjoy but when the sun is out just enjoy me through the view of you’re window. but that really a way of me telling them you should enjoy the 12 hours day that you have daily meanwhile I can enjoy all 24 hours as I can count out at night and day and not complain about burning. And some of are really allergic to the sun if that’s not a cursed I don’t know what is p.s conditions forced upon us by man are not a cursed poverty etc because we have the best part of the world they always called the Caribbean a paradise we just living in a western world with western ideas of Africans or the Caribbean’s work the land they will have food in abundance after all they have all the wild life they can eat for meat… God blessed us man cursed us misery loves company…
  11. Yeah mayne, I'm not taking away from your originality. Read the post again I read it right I said by doing so it’ll take away my originality as much you would like too with a strong desire refrain from it eradicate that thought from you’re mind as I am just Simply Rev I’m sure you chose profD because of what it means to you by calling someone different other then what they call tHemselves send the brain to a different frequency By saying Rev run even you that run itself will exhaust you’re mind and also take time from you’re writing as you have to now type extra Rev Run that fraction of a second it takes to type run take away from you’re thinking because when u type u not tThinking u just reading words outloud in you’re mind get it mayne
  12. How many of you believe that the so called RACE is CURSED?
  13. @ProfD nah don’t do that that’ll take away my originality
  14. Nah we don’t need to do anything remember when the system was put in place it wasn’t designed for us now that we not just blacks every other race is incorporated into it it’s slowly crumbling and that’s inevitable they trying to hold on to what’s left of it remember white people are cunning they good as studying people behavioral patterns and learn from it they study every civilization before them and see their flaws and what makes them fall and they perfected this idea of white supremacy to a degree but some stuff they didn’t factor in color can’t rule race does remember I said white supremacy now that we have a voice soon enough they going to be called pink they’ll try to resist it and boom the falll of white civilization the rise of the pink supremacy lol
  15. @Cynique was Chris religious no just a righteous man don’t confuse the Bible as a religious book it’s not a religious book it’s just a book like any other only except is it was passed down from the creator as long as you believes in the one who created you. no such thing as white supremacy they just the majority ruler of this world for right now but not the majority in this world they a tiny bit of people why you think they commenting all those atrocities they trying to reduce the human population. Down white is not a race nor is it a color in all reality the people who called themselves white are actually pink and when the sun is cooking them they they turn red and they cook they raw meat lol they really in hell so make the word hell for others when it was supose to be a paradise. but pretty soon people will start calling the pink as more people wake up and the idea of white supremacy will just crumble what they going to call themselves pink supremacy AHHH AHHH SINISTER LAUGH BUT REALLY ANGELIC the people that were intended to rule this world will alway rule it… side note if God created man and put them on earth why they trying to go out of space deep down they feel like they don’t belong here but they will never make it and there’s a reason for that if pink people could g0 leave on another planet they will take their people and leave and destroy the rest of us here on earth and think about it if God wanted us to live on any other planet God would’ve just created us on another planet not here earth belong to the earth links. and oh yeah the minute they create the humanoids AI (artificial intelligence) they will try to kill us anyways. But guess what even that was thought of it so we have a defense system put in space for that you know what is it’s called the sun solar flares just wipe out all the satellites render the AI and bring us back to our original state where willl start using our minds again. (Remember you’re Brain is th most powerful thing on this planet you’ll be amazed at what you’re brain could do. look up the nasa project to block the sun even that project is dumb sun is a life giver half of the planet will die sending us back to an ice. Age they try to leave under ground even that won’t work…. there’s an old movie call the metropolis try watching it
  16. @Cynique white superiority is a sickening idea we just never stand up to them what are they superior at they have an inferiority complex yes they ruling the world right now it’s their God given appointed to rule then it’s over. to be honest the word white itself that we consider it to mean pure actually means nothing (blank) in its proper form and white people are not white so they are pink they named us they changed our names all the times we never changed theirs why we never called them out on their bullshit if we wanna want to end white supremacy why not start a petition at change and ask them to be called pink. And no Christians is never the fall of the black man ham curse wasn’t even ham crust ham was never curse his son was and now think bout ham Shem Japheth were all and so was Noah, Adam and Eve white is the last race in earth that’s why they have no melanin it’s already been given to everyone else. They used to book to enslaved us and did not let us read it understand why they didn’t want black people to learn how to read the Bible. I will tell you why the new translation the kings James Bible was translated in 1611 when did the first slave were brought to America now had we were allowed to read back then we would immidiately know the. Book we’re talking bout us because our ancestors were direct descendent of hom they were speaking of so when they killed their father and mother the new breed had no knowledge or history of their old land they became orphans. Growing up in an unknown world so THINK THINK
  17. @Pioneer1 democracy is bullshit there is no democratic government it’s an illusion for example they say democracy is when u electing a president by voting him right so okay we vote for a president every yell democracy Who nominate the supreme judges in the battle for abortion rights right now how come the people don’t decide if it should be right or wrong how come the people don’t decide anything else but only by those whom we appointed to make decisions for us. But. Anyways the world is meant to be under kingship that’s why it says thy kingdom come only kings rules if u understand only king rules then you know who the rulers of the world is for now…. Til the appointed time
  18. @Pioneer1 Ayiti does suffer from spiritual confusion it’s not a case of serving two masters the government is so corrupt the powers that be be won’t let them I mean they tried as Ayiti the Haitians nation are meant to rule by a king they tried that they assassinate him he was assassinated by a mullato who. Hated blacks and call himself French so theirs a lot of agents in Haiti that won’t let the country prosper. They change the constitution and Duvalier tried to do it turn they exile his son and changed the constitution again but everything will that are sealed will be revealed as we are approaching revelation or age of information nothing can’t stay they can only be hidden for a time and a period of time Gods words remain true as it’s stil being unfold from our very eyes.
  19. @ProfD good point water infrastructure food etc and Africa being the richest continent Haiti and Jamaica 1 see how many country that Haiti have helped gained their independence in return what did they do they went back and shitted on them as a matter fact it’s not in no history books unless u dig. 2 u have to understand systematic racism try looking up richest people in Haiti you will see it’s only white nan that call themselves Haiti you can do that with Jamaica to or any other country in the Caribbean for that matter now systematic racism the white people never leave Haiti they infiltrated they set up governments in you’re country that’s loyal to them it’s not that those Caribbean presidents cannot help themselves they can’t they got in politics and are bought it’s the same in America anywhere that there are minorities it looks like shit why it’s not the people it’s the system the system is designed to keep black folks under no matter where they go look at South Africa the non Africans tHe Dutch invaders and call it tHere own they claim that there was nothing there so therefore they have a right to the land you see infrastructure and building big houses assembled wealth roads cars airplanes it’s not the African way that’s what my first question was what is civilization why are basing civilization based on a western ideas this people living tHeir civilizations according to what they know and are very happy according to what they know and here’s a question for you would want an iPhone if never see an iPhone and technology is only pushing us backwards as we are not using our minds technology can’t even say how we build the pyramids the Roman destroyed Alexandria all the books that depicted the people that build it because they are trying to hide something. to prove my my point who built Timbuktu do you know after the Greeks and Roman came and learn from them they went back invade it and burn most of their books just so the can say oh this people always lived in mud houses. now what is civilization after when God created man naked and place him in the garden
  20. White man is nothing but savages why would anyone chose beast over humanity @nels how could even say such a thing if the black mind should stop looking at life through prism of race au contraire it’s the white mind that’s looking at thing through race Africans embraced them and they turn around and devour them. Now you said if black person are offended by the confederate flag they have a lot to learn nope it’s you little lesson if a dog ever bite you every time u look at a dog you will have that memory that fear that feeling just saying symbols are interpreted different by different people you don’t know what anyone history is. But I know one thing the world were subjugated by white yet we do not hate them we demanding equal right lol that even sounds stupid. We were equal amongst our peers that idea of inferiority didn’t even comes to our head till the interaction with the white man
  21. @Cynique In the comic iron man two there’s a line that says If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in Him.amd in the avengers the same thing was repeated to him in reverse Rs when thanos said all that for a drop of blood but iron took it different because deep in his mind if he can Make thanos bleed he surely can defeat him and ultimately it was iron man who defeated thanos. Now you’re probably wondering what is this have to do with this well I say this to say that one of you’re point was white supremacy because they had better machinery weapons etc they defeated and conquered the blacks well you have to read about the Haitian revolution on how they defeated that white supremacy ideas.that’s why the only movies you see from time to time are slaves movies never a movie about how blacks overcome slavery (django was pure bullshit it sets us back even further) every time a slave movie are done it plays in ur psychology as a reminder to who you are and who they are and the world is watching now I say this to say that if you can defeat the man once we surely can do it again take pride in ur blackness the good the bad and the ugly because it will be beautiful again. How can you divorce the black race when that’s how u were born given up on the black race means that tHat you think the black race is doomed there u are here with us I’m doomed u doomed while u still have breath in you the outcome can always change pick ya self up young lady every civilization crumbled because they are based on false idealism and God he is a just God he gave everyone a chance to rule starting with the first man down to the last after the cycle is complete the black man shall forever and ever with the first killing come destruction. If that sin wasn’t committed the lineage of Adam would’ve ruled forever and ever as he was the supreme leader on earth with God at the top. And on the idea of white supremacy that itself is a lie and that is there downfall you see it everything you looking at things from gun machinery etc you cannot defeat shite supremacy with those kinda things we weren’t made to kill we were made to live in harmony and peace and enjoy earth now the reason why white supremacy is able to still thrive is because black folks never called them out on it now I just want you to put in your head u can. Only defeat ideas with ideas .any white (pink) person tell them if they are so superior to you challenge them to go to the beach and stay under it naked with you and see who comes out alive they can’t do that they’ll find an excuse .if they are so superior why won’t they accept the challenge they can’t do the know they will die and you won’t. Now if you’re basing supremacy with the idea of weaponry material things that’s are bullshit none of that will enter the kingdom because When Adam was made he was made and and God Provided him with everything he needed before being created so who is the ruler here….. @Pioneer1 no we Good u ain’t never said the mission stop if it’s falling on deaf here why waste my time I can bring it somewhere maybe this isn’t my niche. @Delano Guess you right but the work never stops I just wished black folks believes in themselves as everyone else did.
  22. I’m leaving this forum my dear BROTHERS AND SISTERS Yall stuck in Ya own conscious Yall not looking to elevate it I guess Ya have reached Ya THRESHOLD there’s no ASCENSION confined to Ya own SUBCONSCIOUS see Ya YAH out PEACE beloved BRETHREN
  23. There’s no sacrifices without reward everything we do in life is a sacrifice sometimes we sacrifices for others and sometimes we sacrifice ourself. like think of the think you like doing the most when you have to do something else U actually sacrificing the thing that you like for something else
  24. You actually getting this all wrong sorry my brother for the lack of you’re over standing now let me try to understand. This is a discussion between brothers i suppose I’m not hear to agree this is supose to be an exchange of ideas to elevate our minds now let’s say that I’m 40 from Egypt what’s next
  25. OUT OF ONE MAN COMES US ALL ONE BLOOD. Okay but listen age nation if I tell you where I’m from my age or my nation that wouldn’t satisfy because everything comes prejudice I don’t want you to have certain ideas in you’re minds about one culture or one age as there’s is certain things as you’re not old enough to know about this and that amongs other things but here’s what I can tell you WE. are an infinite being living in a continuum WORLD being born here being born there you did not start when you comes out you’re mothers womb for example you know the thing that says oh babies are getting smarter now they doing this and that no some babies are born with a tiny bit of memory of who they were they just can’t tap into it as one day we all will just like they said REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!!
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