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Posts posted by Jeromex

  1. Frankster

    you can post all of the false nonsense you want, everything I said is true.

    Having babies out of wedlock is the cause of the majority of the issues in the black community. Young mothers having babies through one night stands and also their boyfriends. No structure in the black community. At all !

    The black community is the most Violent in the world.

  2. The biggest threat to the Black community are Wedlock, dreadlocks, and obesity.

    Its the top 3 along with the obvious ( Violent crime).

    Wedlock- no fathers, no family structure, and young mothers.

    dreadlocks- silly hair style goes hand in hand with tattoo’s, and silly clothing. No one will ever take you seriously.

    Obesity- particularly black women. Its an epidemic in the black communty as is diabetes. Irresponsible diets in the black community.

    All of these issue are Self Inflicted and our own fault as a black community.

  3. Do Blacks want to be segregated from whites? It seems as if they do. Many black communities are complaining about white people moving in. Blacks are claiming “ they dont look like us”. They are also saying it about asian people as well and claim blacks need their own communities. Seems a bit ironic to me as well as hypocritical. Blacks are the first to claim discrimination even when most often its their imagination.

    You will find countless examples of this on you tube and black radio shows.

    If this was the other way around, blacks would be protesting and rioting. You cannot have it both ways. Our black community needs to be much more rational  and realistic.
    Please opine.

  4. I guess we also need to give reparations to all of the descendants of White Union soldiers who died or were injured during the civil war . 
    Also Blacks from Africa need to pay reparations for selling blacks to slave traders.

    Also black gang memebers and descendants of gang members need to pay reparations for all the murdering and destruction in the black community.

    Also BLM should pay reparations for destroying communities during their riots.

  5. MLK must be rolling in his graves. All the sacrifices he made for black people and how do they pay MLK back? They have become more violent than ever, have more children out of wedlock than ever , and commit more crime than any other race in America. I dont think MLK would appreciate the dreadlocks and tattoo’s, nor would he appreciate the “victimhood mentality “ in the black community.

    RIP MLK !


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