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Posts posted by Jeromex

  1. Blacks are the ultimate “ victim makers”. They create victims through violent crime.

    They also create Victimhood.

    Whites had Robinhood, blacks have victimhood. Go to Africa and see how violent the black culture is there!

    They slaughter each other as they do in our own inner cities. There is also canibalism in Africa- blacks eating blacks.

    There is something seriously wrong with our Black culture and it has nothing to do with white people. 
    Blacks became much more violent after civil rates and I just don’t understand why? It should of made blacks less violent.


  2. Our reverend brought this up. Blacks were given civil rights and what did we do with those civil rights? We became the most violent community in the world. What !!!  Our black community gets opportunity after opportunity and we squander them. My black community is so violent, I moved out 12 years ago. I will never let my children be exposed to the “ black culture poison”. As much as I love my black brothers and sisters, we destroyed our culture and community. Its self inflicted!

    All we get is liberal politicians telling us its not our fault and we aren’t intelligent enough to make it on our own. Stop voting for liberals, they dont care about is. They just want our votes. The hispanics are waking up, now its our turm.

    The jews want us to do their dirty work for them. Say no !

  3. Claudine Gay is incredibly incompetent and she never should have held that position. She was an embarrassment to not only Harvard but to herself as well.

    Blacks get their panties in a bunch if anyone says anything perceived as anti black such as saying Blacks need fathers and structure in the home or some blacks used skills they learned as slaves , they also used when they were freed.. Which is true.

  4. Thomas Jefferson was a great man in actuality. As bad as slavery was and it was bad, unfortunately it was common for that time. Every single culture, race, religion, and civilization were enslaved at one time or another, it wasnt just blacks.

    There is still some slavery today in Africa as astounding as they may sound but its true. One of the many reasons blacks wont return to Africa.

    I agree, Vivek has a gorgeous wife.

  5. There are no racists holding you back pioneer1. Whats holding you back is your lack of a high school diploma and lack of a GED. Basically a lack of your own initiative. 
    Do you still want to be a rapper?


    All kidding aside- I think the overwhelming majority of black people are awesome and great Americans.. That is my belief. 
    anyway, have a happy new year pioneer1.

  6. Im shocked blacks arent tripping over themselves trying to support Vivek Ramaswamy.

    He is a man of color and never uses his skin color as an excuse for any short comings which he has none. He is self made. He is extremely smart. His success is 100% based on merit and hardwork.  His parents are hardworking and legally came to this country with almost nothing and barey speaking the language. Yet, they provided a structured and disciplined home for their children.

    Im shocked blacks arent idolizing this guy.  


  7. 17 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Sure. As I've mentioned before, they don't have real power.


    Excellent examples of limited power. Mayor Adams is catching h8ll for going against the Democratic agenda related to immigration. 

    We know the difference between bully and buffer. Going to war with buffers won't accomplish anything. 

    Great example of how most Black folks of any level of intelligence are keeping their pie-holes closed on that situation. 


    In other news, Kanye West has written a letter of apology to the Jews. Foolish dude. But, he has an album coning out next month.😁

    Facts. That needs to be considered whenever we think about dealing with them.😎

    What !!!

    Blacks do a great job of killing each other, you dont need “ fake anti black” narratives.

    The biggest threat to the black community are other blacks who are also the biggest threat to Asians.

  8. It doesnt bother you that almost 75% of all Black babies are born out of wedlock to mostly young mothers who can barely take care of themselves who cant provide structure in the home? Also irresponsible missing in action black fathers.

    it doesnt bother you that blacks are only 13% of the population but commit about 60% of all violent crime in America?

    it doesnt bother you that every other race finds a way to succeed including those that are new to this country but yet blacks cant seem to get their acts together?

    every few years their is a new “ thing” for blacks to blame . Its getting old and boring.

    How about a little less talk about black victimhood and a little bit more constructive talk on better decison making..

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