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Posts posted by Jeromex

  1. Kamala is Indian. Her mom is Indian and she was raised by Indian grandparents. Her black “ in name only” father bailed out on the family. Her indian heritage saved her the same way Obama’s white side of the family saved him.

    unfortunately Kamala started hanging with idiots and she has no moral compass. She is an incompetent  clown that no one takes seriously.

    Kamala isnt a woman of color, she is a woman of curry !

  2. Many blacks have been called “ Uncle Tom’s” including myself. I actually wear that with a badge of honor. I noticed a common theme, almost every black that is called an Uncle Tom is a responsible law abiding citizen . An “Uncle Tom “ wakes up every morning and goes to work, takes care of his family, and leads a responsible lifestyle.  You will rarely see an Uncle Tom in prison or having a bunch of out of wedlock children.  An Uncle Tom supports family structure and 2 parent household’s which our black community so desperately needs.
    Its extremely troubling that a black man who is a hard working family man and lives a responsible lifestyle is frowned upon in our community. Speaking well and using proper English is also frowned upon in our black community and is known as “ selling out”; how ignorant !!!

    The black community seems to admire thugs, victimhood, and excuses. Our community needs more Uncle Tom’s. 
    If you are a black man and are called an Uncle Tom, take that as a great compliment as you are doing the right thing.

  3. There are racially motivated attacks on asians, whites, and hispanics at the hands of blacks every single day but yet its swept under the rug. Those attacks FAR outnumber any attacks on blacks. In fact, the biggest threat to a black person is another black. Blacks are fleeing black communities for safety reasons. Its crazy !!!!


    Lets stop exaggerating rare events and spinning them in a way to make those rare events seem common; they are not common.

  4. Vivek is brown. Both of his parents came to this country from India with very little money and barely able to speak English..

    guess what? They did well by working hard and maintaining structure in their families. Same with people from China and even Mexico. What do blacks aspire to do? Pump out babies, commit crime,   try to be rappers, and  then blame white people when they fail.

    C’mon Black people, we are better. Lets stop tthe excuses and victim mentality. Everyone else is succeeding except us blacks. Well, I became successful as did my children.


  5. It’s abundantly clear that black men have established a well deserved reputation for irresponsible and immature behavior. Unfortunately black men also have a reputation as being irresponsible fathers- “fathers in name only”.
    i also blame some of our black sista’s as well. They are letting themselves get pregnant knowing full well they wont be able to “ properly care” for those babies and raise them in a structured environment.

    We are the only culture that cant seem to get their act together. Its 2023 and its an absolute disgrace. How embarrassing!

    But yet people like Pioneer1 just keep lying and making excuses and never actually help.

  6. Kamala Harris is actually the first Indian Vice President. Although she will go down as the most incompetent VP in history.
    I actually had this discussion yesterday with a black woman who correctly stated Kamala is basically Indian who masquerade’s as a black for her personal benefit.

    Kamala’s mother is all Indian and so were the grandparents that helped raise her. She grew up Indian ! Where was Kamala’s black dad ? He took off and bailed out on his personal responsibilities when she was very young. 
    Same with Obama who was raised by a white mom and white grandparents. Obama’s black father also left and bailed on his responsibilities when Obama was very young. This is an all too familiar story in the black community. Lack of family structure is our number one problem. Both Kamala and Obama should be thanking their lucky stars that they had responsible mom’s and responsible grandparents. 

  7. For you to bring up lynching is absurd. When was the last lynching? Give me a break! Our community does a great job of lynching one another every day with our violence.

    Reparations is a cop out and a ridiculous idea that will never happen.

    Successful blacks never mention reparations nor should anyone else. Lets stop trying to be a victim, its a low hanging fruit that those with no drive seek to grab.

    We are the only group that cant seem to get our acts together. My children were taught that hard work and not victimhood will lead to success. Guess what? My children are successful.


  8. 1 hour ago, Troy said:

    that is nonsense. Nobody is sitting around waiting for reparations.  Where are you getting this information?


    the truth is that Black people have done astonishingly well given hundreds of years of violently imposed oppression.


    Question for you @Jeromex independent of your exaggerated description of Black people or America’s willingness to pay, do you believe that America owes Black people compensation for slavery and Jim Crow?

    No I dont. That was over 60 years ago and is the easy way out. Where does it end? Who else should get reparations? Rappers and black athletes make tens of millions of dollars, there are plenty of opportunity if one makes responsible decisions.  Although I wouldnt want black children to try and be rappers. 
    Our community is about 14% of the population but we commit almost 60% of all violent crime. Should we pay reparations to all the non black victims or to the black community in general for making our communities so dangerous?

  9. Black people do NOT need reparations ! Our community needs more fathers, more family structure, and more trade schools. Far too many blacks are sitting around and waiting for that big reparations pay day rather than trying to lift themselves up. Playing the victim is easy but how about our community teaching our youth that they arent victims? Thats a much better and more constructive idea. 
    Slavery happened 160 years ago, how would they even determine who gets reparations? So many blacks have white or hispanic blood anyway. Should the families of White Union soldiers who died freeing slaves also get reparations?

    Should black Africans that sold their own people to slave traders have to pay reparations? Should muslims pay reparations to enslaved Christians during the reign of the Ottoman empire ? Where does it end ! 
    Our black conmunity needs to wake up and start realizing the democratic party is using us and constantly dangling carrots to our community in the form of reparations, more welfare, and more victimhood excuses. Every other Brown ethnic group managed to lift themselves up except our black community.

    Its time we start making responsible decisions and stop the blame game. We are better than that!!!


    We don't need no reparations
    We don't need no thought control 
    No dark sarcasm in the media
    Liberals, leave us blacks alone 
    Hey! Liberals, leave us blacks alone 
    All in all it's just another brick in the wall 
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall 


  10. 35 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Let me ask you a question......

    What are YOU personally doing to get the Black woman to act more civil and less violent?

    For one, both my wife and I raised both our daughters in a structured home and taught them to respect themselves and others. They were also taught that hard work and not victimhood is what gets them to succeed. They also know that having a baby out of wedlock is a one way ticket to poverty.

    So there you have it, at least 2 women that I helped.

    • Thanks 1
  11. We are 14% of the population but commit almost 60% of all violent crime. Maybe us blacks should pay reparations to all

    of  the victims of our violent crime?

    Will reparations prevent blacks from having an out of Wedlock birth rate of almost 75% ?

    Will reparations make black men better fathers? i would say no.

    Here is a better idea. How about the women in our community stop having babies at such a young age when they cant even take care of themselves. How about our black men become much more responsible and stop acting like thugs. Our pastor has told our congregation those same things many times. 

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