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Everything posted by FerociousKitty

  1. Thanks, Troy! I'm definitely hoping for a speedy sale. Fyi, alas, I ended up going with the agent that you don't know. But she's now familiar with you and AALBC because you are included in the promotional section of my proposal.
  2. Thanks, Thumper!! I look forward to your review.
  3. So today an agent presented us (my ex and me) with a contract today to represent our co-parenting book (and my future book projects). *screaming* I feel so blessed. I didn't have to deal with a long wait or shady crooks. She is a friend of a friend. Next up: The agent shops the proposal around to the publishing houses. Stay tuned...
  4. Patricia Highsmith was a piece of work. I've got her latest biography on my list. Here are 2 reviews: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/20/books/review/Winterson-t.html http://bnreview.barnesandnoble.com/t5/Reviews-Essays/The-Talented-Miss-Highsmith/ba-p/1821
  5. LOL, okay, I was wondering about your avatar. Now I know.
  6. Carey, I'll see your spell check and raise you a ! Like Troy, I could never figure out emoticons on the old board. It really is the little things, lol. Oh, and I'm adding this book to my "read" list! [edit: I tried to post all the emoticons originally, and got this message: "You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message." LOL]
  7. Okay, I see...you can vote a post "up" or "down". RIP star ratings, lol
  8. I pushed that little plus button and it gave you a 1...I couldn't add more, lol. Learning as we go... :-)
  9. is thankful for another day.

  10. ...so was updating my profile! Well, off to the races...
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