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Everything posted by Waterstar

  1. Picked up my copy yesterday. I absolutely love this elder! This is an interview of Toni Morrison by Tom Ashbrook about her newest novel, her life, and life in general: http://onpoint.wbur.org/2012/05/11/toni-morrison/player
  2. Interesting statements as always, Cynique. When we look at media though, you still see more sisters who have lighter black skin being considered beautiful. Very rarely is a darker sister considered beautiful in the same way and even less common is a dark skin sister with natural hair being considered beautiful. Also, I am willing to bet that your Grace Jones/Halle Berry response is not shared by many from the time the movie came out up to now. Troy, you just made me think of something.. What if Boitumelo is "metrosexual"?
  3. hahaha I admit that I was reaching...REALLY reaching.. LOL
  4. hahaha@ "And mad cow disease is back." ahahaha Real talk though, the epidemic of some off the wall disease always seems to pop up before or after elections. Some terrible disease and some terrible incident which will ultimately raise the national panic index level and require more invasiveness (all for our protection, mind you.) As far as the image of beauty, it is just reality that perceptions of beauty and race/skin tone go hand n hand. Oh "some" African features are okay, so long as they are kept in perspective by man when nature fails. Many black women bleach out their skin to look "more attractive" while some get plastic surgery to have a less broad nose and such, trying to live up to these Eurocentric standard of beauty. A black female is looked upon as lucky when she was born with "good hair" but for those who have that hair that "needs taming", a relaxer or weave can help them to "feel beautiful". Coffee is just fine here...so long as it has enough sugar and cream. Quick question just for the mind... How many remember seeing Boomerang? Both Grace Jones and Halle Berry were in that movie. How many thought that Grace Jones was beautiful? How many thought that Halle Berry was beautiful? Black men and women do the doll test every single day of their lives without even being aware of it. Just like the little black girls who preferred the white dolls, black men and women constantly choose the Western image of beauty.
  5. George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin on the night that he shot him AFTER he had been TOLD that he did not need to do that. Comments like, "They always get away..." should really point to the fact that Martin did NOT initiate the confrontation which would result in his death. Marissa Alexander had a history of being abused by this man and to deter him, she shot at the ceiling...not even in his direction. The Stand Your Ground law has turned out to be her worst enemy, because without it, perhaps she would not be receiving so many years even if she were sentenced. She had been in jail since 2010. Zimmerman did not even spend a month in jail (Heck, was it even a whole week?), Stand your Ground was his best friend and it was also his premeditated defense. I know some want to go along to get along, but if racism/politics cannot be seen as priorities in these cases, it is not because the seer is blind, it is because the seer is delusional. I wonder if it would have made a difference if she were a caucasian woman with an abusive black husband. Racism is so deeply ingrained in this system... Reforming it is like remodeling a house that has been built atop a toxic waste site. Some are trying to occupy Wall Street while others are crying out to occupy the American justice system.
  6. Oh my word, you all got me laughin over here! It started when I read Boitumelo's first line and got worse with each subsequent post. You all are hilarious! Boitumelo is very funny. Those random CAPS-BYS (like a drive by with caps) are too funny. I better shut up fore he Boitumelo be like, "Umma put a whole post fulla CAPS in yo ash!" Seriously though, Boitumelo's watching shows about love addiction doesn't necessarily indicate that Boitumelo is a female... For all any of us know, he could just be a male who is confident about being in touch with his feminine side....like Prince.
  7. Unfortunately, I do not at all find the responses from many of the "let's be openminded about this art" crew at all surprising. It's sad, but true that many of us are exploited out of our very minds. What can be expected when many of the same people will probably tell you that "The Help" was a good, lighthearted movie and that they saw no problem with it as it "was reflective of that particular era"... What can be expected when many of our people will jump to correct you about cases such as those of Stephen Lawrence or Trayvon Martin, saying that people are trying to "racialize" such issues...but I digress. It is the training that is a legacy of slavery and colonization which not only lets others piss on our feet and tell us that it is raining, but which also will make us jump to defend those who are pissing on our feet against all that say, "It is not raining, they are pissing on your feet!" The training says that the ice of others is much colder than the ice of our own and we neglect our own and rush to buy the "colder ice". The training says that the story of others has the most truth than our own unless the others say otherwise. It's sad...but true. Many of us hold many degrees yet seek validation from others constantly. Some of us are seen as "divisive" when we recognize and point this out. The explanation by this artist was something that I really hope that even my 3 year old niece would see through, yet it seemed to fly with some and even gain "support". That artist was as sincere as Hilary Clinton was when she apologized to Barack Obama for her behavior during her run for president and that "cake" was an artistic statement just as much as a burning cross is an artistic statement... but then again, you let enough "authorities" put an artistic spin on the idea of lynching and it might not be long before the descendants of such a horrific legacy start advocating the need to look at it with an "open mind" (OR ELSE be considered "divisive" in this postracial society, dear Gawd, no!).
  8. Actually, Troy, this is precisely why I find the subject of King James' sexuality relevant. Homosexuality is, without question, an abomination sermon in most black churches...and the most widely used version of the Bible, in black churches is the King James Version Bible. If homosexuality is such an abomination, would King James' homo/bisexuality (I wonder) matter to those in the black church who profess to feel so strongly about homosexuality? If Obama's recently revealed "personal thoughts" re: homosexuality/gay marriage are powerful enough to make otherwise Obama supporters vow to not vote for Obama, if it would change the way in which they relate to him, would the King James revelations (I wonder), in any way, change the ways in which they relate to the authorized version of King James. You might find the logic in the post irrelevant (and that's quite okay), yet I wonder if the King James issue would be irrelevant to the people in question. It very well could be. It would not be too far off, however, from a man who is a best selling self help author with a loyal, global following of black women... Let's saya Bishop T. Cakes. (All hypothetical.) Now let's say that information comes out that Bishop T. Cakes was had beat his first wife on a regular basis, but that this was before he was born again ... For the sisters who have supported him passionately for years upon years, most of them who abhor abuse, I wonder if it would at all change anything. I wonder if it would change the way they saw him (i.e. moral authority) or change their buying patterns (as far as buying his books). or if it would be totally irrelevant to them. No disagreement a,tall on the "P". Perhaps P also stands for Pimp, Prostitute... Predator, Prey.
  9. Oh but incarceration is one of the greatest producers of wealth... Perhaps second only to the public education system, which in its current state, is virtually guaranteed to maintain the social order (which has never been based on anything morally higher than inequality). A nation of incarceration, causing some frustration and others wealth for generations. (Jesse Jacksonism intentional. lol)
  10. It's not really so much about questioning the Bible as it is about questioning our socialization in general and how this affects us in many areas. A debate would be interesting, but even a slight chance of our considering the origins of our socialization would probably be much better. Religion is but one form, but it is the example that seems to illustrate the bigger picture better than most.
  11. That was a little Jesse Jackson-ish, Troy...but so, so true. Perhaps the statement that stuck out most to me in this trailer was, "It seemed as though we were being penalized for being poor." So common in the Land of Plenty. How many countries can be in a recession with all you can eat buffets on many corners, right by hungry people? Tons of food thrown away every single day, yet the country is full of hungry people.
  12. Could it be that they believed my story and did not want anyone else to know it? What if I said that DaShawn and Moekweesha were the first and only two people in this world....before they had children. Two boys... Lil Shawn-Shawn and Earl...and Lil Shawn-Shawn killed Earl...but here's the kicker... Lil Shawn-Shawn had kids.....If his parents were the first two people in this world and they had only two children, with whom did Lil Shawn-Shawn have children? Oh snap, Lil Shawn-Shawn made whoopie with Mommy? Well now, that would explain why the world is so screwed up....at least it would explain it much better than the eaten-apple thing~
  13. Cynique, that analysis is too on point. First of all, how many of us know the answer to this trivia question? Question: What is the number one haven for most gay black men? Answer: The Black Church. Secondly, I wonder if any of the proud King-James-"Authorized"-Version-Bible-thumpers have even ever given any real thought as to who this King James was. Of course I wasn't around then and cannot verify this via first account, but according to my research, it doesn't seem that King James was heterosexual, and also seems to have referred to the Duke of Buckingham as his "wife". Now how many black preachers would actually even be willing to look further into the life of "King James" and no longer read from his Bibles? How many of them, on the other hand, would, even after research points in the direction of those aforementioned things, say that this changes nothing whatsoever and possibly even defend/justify him/his actions? People seem to forget that the president is a politician. Perhaps we can help them remember by saying, "And remember, Everyone; 'P' is the first letter in PRESIDENT. P stands for POLITICS; Politics 1st." Anyone who is foolish enough to not be able to see through Biden's calculated "slip" (you know, the one that supposedly "forced" Obama to solidify his stance) and all of these pre-election epiphanies is just.......you know what? Just the NORM. Yes though, following behind anyone blindly is never good...and most have been doing what is never good for a good while. P.S. Cynique, I find it very disturbing that you would use such divisive language re: "And race will still matter". Obviously, there are a FEW in our post-racial society who just refuse to stop living in the past.
  14. "A different process but the same result. Once again, the World Bank has chosen an American as its leader. That's after an effort by developing countries to install one of their own as the bank's president. The bank's executive committee today selected Jim Yong Kim for the job." "World Bank Selects Another America Leader" Transcript to read or link to listen: http://www.npr.org/2012/04/16/150745388/world-bank-selects-another-american-leader
  15. Recently, the Summit of the Americas was held. Every single country to attend the summit was in favor of Cuba's attendance. 32 countries voted in favor of Cuba being invited to the summit. Only two countries opposed Cuba's attendance, the U.S. and Canada. Outnumbered, clearly. However, U.S. and Canada vetoed the majority vote (which was the vote of 32 favoring countries) on the grounds that Cuba did not qualify as Cuba is not a "democracy" and that the summit was only for those countries that are "democratic". Again, the will of 2 countries outweighed the will of 32 countries. How's that for a lesson in democracy from the Americans and the Canadians~
  16. Well, it's in the social interests of the Tea Party ppl to support this present system with all its unaccidental unintended consequences, because, though the love of money is almost at the top of their lists, the love of an order based on social stratification often makes the love of money take the back burner. Some will never see how this works until things hit the fan....and the way things are going, it just might not take too many more presidential terms for that to happen. Socialism is such a dirty word. Why? If you were to ask most people, they would give you an answer that does not even make sense and more often than not, it is because they know more about anti-socialists' definitions of socialism than socialism itself.I'll go a step further and add "communism' to the list of dirty words. Why? I am of the persuasion that most of the people who are against this system could not even make a rational argument against it. I am not really one to get caught up in the labels, but moreso the results/purpose. Doesn't matter what people want to call a system or systems that could bring about real improvements in many different aspects, it should not be taboo to at least consider it/them. About revolution. Revolution and this former colony are inseparable. You see, revolution is okay and even encouraged when it is in the interest of the dominant culture. When it is not, revolution becomes something that is negatively "radical", a movement of disgruntled (and often "insane") "militants". George Washington is praised while John Brown is a villain. Both were revolutionaries, were they not? However, I digress. You know, the funny thing is that most people here cannot see what the rest of the world sees clearly and that is this. America's influence on the rest of the world is weakening. While many here think that it is getting stronger, it actually is weakening. The rest of the world is starting to wake up and realize that geography does not negate the right to self determination. The rest of the world is starting to see beyond the rhetorical ethic to the actual product of democracy. Political analysts and economists know this and are beginning to speak about it, some with more anxiety than others. However, most of us find such books or programs big yawns next to celebrity gossip.China is like a racing horse gaining more and more speed. BRICs on the rise. Every single country of the Summit of Americas (except the U.S. and Canada ) were FOR Cuba's attendance in the summit. This is very telling. I could go on with countless global examples, but the point is this: things are changing and certain countries would do well to humble themselves in advance.
  17. Brilliant and uncompromising in his integrity and in his advocacy... "Many African-American witnesses subpoenaed to testify at the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) hearings in the 1950s were asked to denounce Paul Robeson (1888–1976) in order to obtain future employment. Robeson, an All-American football player and recipient of a Phi Beta Kappa key at Rutgers, received a law degree at Columbia. He became an internationally acclaimed concert performer and actor as well as a persuasive political speaker. In 1949, Robeson was the subject of controversy after newspapers reports of public statements that African Americans would not fight in “an imperialist war.” In 1950, his passport was revoked. Several years later, Robeson refused to sign an affidavit stating that he was not a Communist and initiated an unsuccessful lawsuit. In the following testimony to a HUAC hearing, ostensibly convened to gain information regarding his passport suit, Robeson refused to answer questions concerning his political activities and lectured bigoted Committee members Gordon H. Scherer and Chairman Francis E.Walter about African-American history and civil rights. In 1958, the Supreme Court ruled that a citizen’s right to travel could not be taken away without due process and Robeson’ passport was returned." The testimony: http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6440
  18. The documentary "A World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin:
  19. I will definitely be checking this. I would love, also, to see a Peter Tosh biopic. He never got the recognition that he deserved. Bob Marley had his own light, make no mistake about it. Still, Peter Tosh was the force behind a lot of the success that Bob Marley and The Wailers came to enjoy. Bob Marley's contributions to the music/politics/culture/consciousness are widely acknowledged, as they should be. However, the contributions of Peter Tosh should, by the same token, be acknowledged as well. If Marley was like Martin Luther King Jr., then Tosh was like Malcolm X. Blessup Marley and Tosh.
  20. Oh yes, I definitely feel that. It's really something that (primarily) the moderately poor and the working poor just seem to live life without even the slightest consideration of there being another way. Just because something is all that a person or society knows does not mean that that is all there is. Is it arrogance or ignorance that keeps us from even looking at other models/systems? Not even to say that the model/system has to be adopted in its entireity, but the definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Many in America criticize Cuba with Cold War-like venom that rivals that of McCarthy's. However, how many students in Cuba are 70 and still paying off school loans? Furthermore, how many students in Cuba are 30 and paying off school loans? As for schools, can you picture this? Take out the corner liquor stores and replace them with good schools. (Who can imagine that?) In Costa Rica, education is compulsory. Costa Rica has no military. When the country got rid of its military, it took the funds that were allocated for its military and poured them into education (as well as public health and culture). Can you even begin to imagine if even half the money spent on the military were spent on education and public health? Why is the public education system so sh*tty here? In a so called First World Nation, it is utterly unacceptable. The argument that there is no money for the investment in public education sounds just about as logical as my talking snake story when one looks around and sees wars (and foreign conflicts which will ultimately lead to more war) being financed many prisons are being built as so many schools/educational programs are being- because there's "no money"- they say... I can understand why the rich are not advocating for such social change; that would perhaps be comparable to asking a slug to pour salt on itself. However, for the rest, why not explore, let alone consider alternatives?
  21. Troy, you are too funny. I agree... Also, My thoughts exactly.
  22. Okay... On most forums around the globe (not this one :-D), I am pretty sure that many would have said that they did not believe this ridiculousness. Many of the posters expressing that my story was rubbish would also be firm believers in the literality of the Bible. Would you agree, Mr. Troy?
  23. LOL X 10! I just love the intelligence and humor on here. Troy, I started to not say garden, as I thought it would make my question too obvious. Still I wanted to get it as close to the widely believed story as possible. Cynique, that is always a compliment coming from you, you are so creative and witty... so much until you have come up with an interpretation that I did not even think of until I read your response. :-O Perhaps the first chapter of dat well aged book was about politicians! :-O Lindabe, was it poisonous?
  24. I see what you are saying, Cynique and I do agree that there are programs in place that benefit many, but more than anything, I am talking about the dehumanizing disgust that society (from the rich on down to the middle class) seems to reserve for the poor.
  25. Before I tell you what happened today, let me issue a disclaimer: I don't drink/smoke. All right then.Today, I was all alone in my garden, tending to my vegetables and then, I saw.......a SNAKE! I started to be afraid, but I heard a voice saying, "Just be cool." It wasn't my conscience saying this and I knew I was alone, so I'm kinda wonderin what the heck is going on. Come to find out, it was the snake. It said, "Be cool, I don't use my mouth to bite; I use it to talk." I guess the snake could tell that I was kinda freaked out, so it took out some food and told me to help myself. OKAY... Now, please tell me how many of you believe this story and how many of you do not believe this story and please tell me why or why not.
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