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harry brown

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Posts posted by harry brown

  1. Racist.  Terrorist. Police.  Who. Murdered. Breonna  Taylor. Not. -Being. Charged. .  No. Surprise.  Racist. White Police Are.  Trying.  To-Provoke.  A. Race. War. ,To. Help. Trump.  Protest.  In.  Louisville -I -Believe.  The. Racist. Terrorist. Militia. Is. There. The. National Guard-Will   Not   Attack  The  Terrorist  White  Men    With  Guns   ,They Will-Attack   The  Protestors .  A  White  Police  Officer   Said   On  Tape  -Said  I  Cannot  Wait  For  The  Race  War  ,I  Begin  Shooting  -Niggers -That. Racist. White. Officer. Was. Fired. In. North. Carolina. -Few -Racist.  White. Police. Have. Been. Caught. On  Tape. Saying Nigger !-Black.  Christian. Support. Trump.  Knowing.  He Hates Black -People -And. Wants. A. Race. War.  Black. Christians. Are. Damn  Idiots. They--Love Trump.  ...Racist Police. Forced. They. Way. In. And. Begin -Shooting. At.Innocent. Black. People. Black. Police. Remain. Silent. -Black. TV. News Anchors. Not. Talking. About. White. Police. Fired  For -Being. Klan. Members ,Wearing. Klan. Hoods  ,Beating. On  -Unarmed. Black. People,Caught. On Video. Saying. Nigger .  News -Anchors Lester. Holt ,NBC ,Don. Lemon ,CNN ,Joy Reid Msnbc .....

  2. During. Sex The. Moans and. Groans. Louder. Than. A. Marching ,Band's. Drums..  He. Was. So.  Nice And. Friendly,After. Learning,,You,Are. Pregnant,He. Becomes Gruesome .  Like. Otner,-Single. Black. Mothers. Raising.  Children.  Alone.   You. Have., Become ,.. Before. Sex.  ,Black   Women  Demand  He  Wears  A-Condom .!!!  Many  Black  Men   Do  Not  Care About   Being, Dead -Beat Father  Bums.  Their  Children  They  Joyfully  Shun.  Having Sex-With   Men   Who  They  Know  Are  Irresponsible  ,Black  Women. Are-More  Idiot. And. Dumb.  Before. Sex. Black.  Women. Demand. He -Wears. A. Condom !!!!.

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  3. Black. Boys. In. The. Library. ,What. Books. Will. They. Seek ?  When -Reading. ,When. Reading. Will.  They. Listen. As. The. Books. Speak ??-What. Books. Will. Enlighten. Their. Minds ?  Perhaps. Stories. Told. -With. A.  Poetic. Rhyme.  When. Reading. They. Can. Learn. About. -Their. Slave Ancestors.  Kidnapped  Bought  And  Sold.  They  Can -Travel   With  Harriet Tubman  Within   The  Underground  Railroad -They  Can   Learn  About Kwanzaa  What  It  Means  .  Learn   About -Ancient  African  Kingdoms  With. Kings. And. Queens. . Biographies -Of  Black. Scientist. ,Astronauts. Inventors.  This. Country's Wars. With-Black. Pilots. And. Soldiers.  Read. About. Mystery. ,Fiction ,-Non-Fiction. ,Science. Fiction ..  Books. Of   Inspiration. And. Fantasy -Imagination.  . They. Can. Go. On   Journeys. And. Adventure. Trips. -Without. Leaving. The. Library. Or Their. Homes ,Just. By. Turning. The-Pages. With. Their. Finger. Tips. ..  Black. Boys. In. The. Library -Can. Embrace. Books. ,And. Love. To. Read. And. May. Inspire. Then -To. Strive And. Succeed...

  4. In. Oprah Winfrey Own Network. A. Show. About. Black. Fathers, Rich-Famous. Black. Men. Including. Christian. Idiots. Preacher. T. D Jakes -Kirk Franklin . Average. Black. Men. Are. Involved. Fathers ,Black Men -In. Poor. Communities. Are. Involved. With. Their. Children. Rich -Black. Men  Talking  About  Fatherhood  .  Who  Cares.  The Rich -Money  Hustling  Preacher  T  D  Jakes  Will  Not  Talk  About  -Preachers  Murdering  Their  Wives,,Preachers  Caught  With -Prostitutes ,Preachers  RAPING Children  .  Preachers. Having -Children. With. Mistresses.. Preachers. Stealing. Money. To. Buy, Cars-Not. Caring. About. Poor. Black. Communities. Kirk. Franklin  A -Idiot -Black. Christians. Are. Idiots. They,Crawl  In. Church. Helping. -Preachers. Buy. Cars. And. Mansions ..Black. Caring. Fathers. Are Not -All. Rich. And. Famous..Most. Go. To. Work. . They. Do. Not. Steal -Like Corrupt.  Snake. Preachers. ,Corrupt. Singing. Christians.....

  5. Rainy. New. Orleans. Sunrise ,Silent. Rain  ,Black. Mamba,,Venom -Feathers. From. A. African. Black. Crow. Into. The. Cauldron. -Last. I,of ,The,,Ingredients. For. Voodoo. Priestess. Larkspur  McQueen. -Potion.-Her. Her. Color. Changing. Curse. Is. In. Motion..  She  Sends-Her  African  Black  Crow   Into   Kingsley Alcorn House  To  Put  The-Curse  Upon  Him  While  He  Is  Sleeping .. When  He  Looks  ,Into,The,Mirror  A  Black  Man   He  Will  Be  Seeing..  Proud  Racist- Kingsley Alcorn ,Hates  People  ,Brown. ,Red. ,Yellow ,Black.  Yesterday.At. Protestors,, He. Vocally. Attacked.. .  When. Kinsley -Alcorn. Awakened. He. Begin. To. Scream.  And. Shout.  His. White-Skin. Changed. Has. To. Be. The. Devil. He. Has. No.  Doubt. He. Runs-Yelling Throught. The. Protestors, Down. The. Street.  He. Runs. -Down. An. Alley. Toward. Racist. White. Police .. The. Racist.  White -Police. Beat. Up. Kingsley  Alcorn ,The. N-Word. He. Hears.  For. His-Life He. Begins. To. Fear.  Racist. White. Police. With. A Knee. Upon. -His. Neck. ,He. Begins. To. Scream. And. Shriek. .  I. Cannot. Breath ,,He. Speaks.  For. Video. Camera. Racist. White. Police. Pose.. As-Kingsley  Alcorn Moans. And. Groans Grows..  Racist. White. Police-With. Demonic. Laughter. ,As. Kingsley  Alcorn Turns. Back. White -He,Lays. Silent. Upon.  The. Ground. In. The. Rain .  Racist. White -Police. In Horrified. Madness. ,Wondering. This. Murder. How. Will -They. Explain.....

  6. Africa ,Within. The. Blyde River. Canyon ,Through. A. Magic. Portal -There. Is.   A. World. ,Unseen.  Where. African. Animals,,Ancestors-Spirits. Roam,,Ancient Baobab Trees. Grow,Majestic. Black. Panthers. -Cobtroll. A. Rainforest. Thick. And. Green .  A. Black.  Advanced  -Society-Kwanzaa  Principles  Followers  ,Unity  Love Of Their,, People  -And-Nation   Themselves  They  Define .. Advanced  Military  Trained-Warriors  ,Protecting   Their  People  And  Nation    ,They  Are -Assigned.-Hidden  From   The. Racist. White. World. ,,Peace,Liberty-Freedom.  They.  Find...  Superior.  Education. ,To. Thrive. And. To -Strive. ,Taught.  To. Young. Minds...  Respect. For. Heritage. And-Ancestors. ,No. One. Has.  To. Remind..  It. Often. Rains. But. Mostly -Warmth. With.  Sunshine .  Black. Communities. Prospers. No ,Race-Traitors. Or   Villains. To. Undermine..  A. Mighty. Black. Race. With -United. Hearts. ,Spirits. And. Mind .  -Thinking. Of   The. Black.  Panther -Movie. Created. Country. Of  Wakanda ...

  7. Black. People Needed. And. Latino. People. For. Creating  A -Successful -Coronavirus,,. Vaccine . Black. People. Are. Hesitant. To. Volunteer.-There Is , A. History. Of   Black. People. Not. Trusting. Doctors. Health -Providers. Many. Remember. The. Tuskegee Experiment..  Do Not ,Know. If  Latinos Are. Volunteering... Black  People  And  Latinos  Make -Up. Half  Of The  Coronavirus    Cases  ,I  Read..... I  Mentioned   Before-Neo  Nazi ,Said  If  Their  Members  Get  Coronavirus To. Deliberately -Try  To  Infect. People.  .TV News. Talkers. Do. Not. Mention. This. When-They. Talk. About. Coronavirus   And. Racism. In. This. Country.--Kanye West. Presidential. Candidate ,Lawsuit.  To. Stop. Kanye. West -From. Being. On  The. Virginia. Ballot. By. A. Law. Firm. Who. Are. -Friends. Of  The. Democrats.  . Election. Day ,Two. O!d. Delusional -White. Men. One. Who. Is. A. Proud. Neo. Nazi And. Kanye. West --You-Have. The. Three. Stooges .. 😄😃.


    • Sad 1
  8. Black. Panther. Star. Dies ,Chadwick Boseman . He. Was. A. Great -Talent. Great. Loss.  . Former. Pro. Basketball. Player. C!ifford-Robinson-Died,  Played. Mostly. With. Portland..  40 Years. BET Channel -Among -The. Years. BET. Genocide. Music ,Glamourizing. Crack Cocaine -Gangster. Life  ,Pimp ,Prostitution ,Now Sunday Best  Crap ,With  That-Idiot  Kirk  Franklin. Best  Gospel  Singing  Contest.  BET  Will  Not  Talk-About  Preachers  Murdering  Their  Wives ,Raping  Children ,Not -Molesting ,Child. Raping ,Many. Black. Preachers. Have. Been -Arrested,-Preachers. Stealing. Millions. Of  Church. Money. Buying -Rich-Cars.  Mansions ,Not. Caring. About. Poverty. In. Black  -Comnunitues.  Black. Lives. Matters. Protesting. Is. Loud. What.  Is-Louder. Is. Black. Police. Silence.  Black.  Police. Should.  Be -Leading -Black. Lives. Matter. Protesting. . Black. Police. Should. Be. Watching -The.Neo. Nazi. KLAN. When. They. Have. Guns. In. The. Streets..-Black-Republican. Senator. Tim. Scott. Supports. Black. Men. Being. Shot-Murdered. By. Racist. White. Trash.  Police. He. Is. Afraid. Of Trump .-We-Need. A. Black. Panther. Super. Hero. To. Attack. The. Terrorist -Police. And. Their. Terrorist. Friends. ......


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  9. Protest. For. Another. Unarmed. Black. Man. Shot   By. Racist-White-Police. In.  Wisconsin .. News. Says. He. Was. Walking. Away. And. Was-Shot. In. The. Back. 7- Times..  . I. Believe. The.  KLAN. Trash Have. Their-Police. Members.  Shooting.  Black.  Men   ,Black   People   Trying  To-Begin A  Race  War..  Basketball   Coach  Doc  Rivers Said  Crying -We  Love This  Country  ,This  Country  Don't  Love Us.  White  Fathers  Do-Not  Have  To  Warn Their Sons  About Police.  Raptor  And Celtics -Thinking  About. Boycotting. Their. First. Game..  The. Furher Neo -Trump. Wants. To. Send. His. Gestapo. Troops. To. Wisconsin. To. Stop -The. Protesting.  . Black. Republican.  Tim. Scott. Supports. Trump And-Supports. Innocent. Unarmed. Black. Men. ,Black. People. Being. Shot. -Killed. By. Racist. White. Police.  Black. Po!ice. Silent ,Black. F. B. I -Agents   Silent.  F. B. I Said. White. Police. Are. KLAN. Members.--Idiot-Kanye. West. Who. Wants.  To. Be. President. Seems. To. Support. -Black. People. Being. Shot,Murdered.  By. Racist. White. Police ..Black-Police ,Soldiers. Should. Be. Leading. Black. Lives. Matter..

  10. Black. People. Are. Buying. Guns,Joining. All. Black. Gun. Clubs. ,After -The. Murder. Of  George. Floyd.  Black.  People,,Have. A. Feeling. Of   -Insecurity-After. George. Floyd's. Murder. And. The. Coronavirus . -Pandemic .  Black. Gun. Club.  President. Said. 2000-People  Joined -36-Hours  After   The  Murder  Of  George  Floyd ....  There  Are  2-All  Black-Gun   Clubs  In  New  York...  Neo Nazi  ,Klan Can  Walk  Around  With-Guns  In  The  Street.  There  Should  Be  More  All  Black  Gun  Clubs.!!

  11. Kamala   Harris. Picked. To. Be. The. Vice. President..  In. 2008 The-Neo -Nazi. Was. Planning. To. Assassinate. Barack Obama. Before. The. -Election.  They. We're. Going. To. Attack. A. Black. School. Kill. A. Lot. Of -Black. People. Then. Try. To. Assassinate. Barack. Obama. Before  The-Election ... The  Coast  Guard  Neo  Nazi  Lieutenant  Was  Planning  -Terror   Attacks  Had  Weapons  Piled  Up ,With  A  Hit  List .  He  Was-Planning. To   Kill  Black  People.  Joe  Biden  Is  Elderly ,She  Becomes -President. If. Anything. Happens. To. Him...  .What. Terror. Attacks. Will-The. White. Terrorist. Have Planned.. ?Will. The. Inner. City. Schools. -Be,,like ,Rich. White. Schools,,Poverty Communities.  Uplifted ? . Will,,She,  Try. To. Organize Kwanza In. Each. Black. Community ,,Something. Black. Politicians ,Churches,NAACP. Don't. Feel. The. Need. To. Do...

  12. News ,Black. And. White. People. Are. Bringing. Down. Confederate -Statues.  Symbols. Of   Slavery.  They. Should. Attack. And.  Tear -Down-Crack. Houses. And. Pimp   Houses,,Attack.  Street.  Gangs. In. Chicago-And. St.  Louis.  Children. Being. Murdered  By. Black. People .  Church-Politicians ,NAACP  Silent. Voices..  Symbols  Of  Slavery   ,Black-Christians.  Christianity  Was  Tortured  Upon   Our  Ancestors. ,For -Preachers  Christianity   Is  A. Tax  Free  Million  Dollar  Business -Christianity  Enslaved. The. Souls  Of. Black. People...Christianity. Was ,The Slaves Owners. Religion.  Christianity. Is. White. Suoremacy....

  13. Black. Woman's. Beauty, Her. Spirit. Like. The. Sun. Glows..  Knowledge-And. Knowledge. Of Self. Important. She. Knows.  Not. Hair. And. -Designer. Clothes.  .  Passion. And. Compassion. In. Her. Heart. And. Soul. .  Uplifting. Her. People.  She. Proudly.  Shows.  And. The-Essence -Of Her  Beauty  A  Poet. Or   Writer  Could  Easily  Compose.....

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  14. With. My. Parents. In. Louisiana. Observing. The. Slave. Plantation-Slave- Cabins . Owls. In. Moss Covered. Trees, A Breeze. Has.  The. Slave. Cabins. Creaking.  .  Nobody, There.  But. Their. Is. A. Feeling  !-It-Seems. Haunted. And. Possessed..  Are. Our.  Ancestors   Unable   To -Have  ,A   Peaceful  Rest ?. Place  Of   Torture  ,Horror  And   Despair. I-Wonder  If  Something  Is    Or   Is  Not  There.... Just   Beyond  The ,Door   .  Do  Our  Ancestors Spirits  Dwell. Upon   The  Floor? Are  They-Not   Seen. Beneath.  The. Daytime. Sun's. Glow .  Do. They. Wander -As- Shadowy. Figures. Beneath. The. Moon's Glow ?  As. We. Leave. My-Parents Speak. A. African. Prayer.  !looking. Back.   I'm Wondering If --Something. Is. Or Is. Not. Tnere...

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  15. Chicago. Gang. Leader. Arrested.  Charged. With.  Cocaine,Heroin. And-Guns.   Along. With 23-  Others. .  Black. Lives. Matters. Not. Protesting ,Churches ,NAACP ,Political. Where. Is. The. Democrats ?  White. And -Black. All. The. Black.  Votes.  They. Get.  Black. Street   Gangs  Are-Domestic   Terrorist   Like  The  KLAN ,Neo   Nazi  . . Black  Males. In -Gangs   Hate  Their  Own   People  And  Communities.  Black   Females -Love   Having   Babies  With  Gangsters  ,Crack  Sellers,Pimps   And  ,Thugs.  Black.  Genocide Will. Not. Stop.....

  16. News. Said. People. We're. Shot. By. A. Chicago. Funeral. Home!  . The-Street. Gangs. Slaughter. Black. People.  Some. Children!  Where. Is. -The.  Black  Political Voices. ,NAACP. On The. News,For. These. Innocent-Black  Lives  ?  Black. Lives. .Matter. Protesting ??.  The. Racist-White   Can   Watch  The  Black  Man   Genocide  Black  People  .The -Black   Church   Takes  In   Millions  Of  Dollars  ,Black   Elected  -Political- Make   Lots  Of  Money  They   Should  Put  Up  Video  ,Cameras   To   Video  Tape. The.  Gangs,Crack. Sellers ,Crack. Buyers,-Thugs. And. Pimps   Who. Prostitute. Teenage. Girls. So. They. Can. Be-Arrested......

  17. I. Am. George. Floyd,  You. Brother. Is. George. Floyd,Every. Black. Man,Black. Woman. And. Child. Is. George.  Floyd.  Racist.  White. Police-Each. Day. Hunting. Black. People. To. Murder. And. Destroy..  Their-Hatred,,,For. Us.  Is. Each. Day And. Every. Minute.  Only   For. Their -Own  Race. They  Are  Passionate..White  Police    Are  Racist,Evil,-Before- They  Put  On  Police  Uniforms..  Racist  Evil  Taught  To  Them-In. Their   Young  Years   After. Being   Born .  Black  People  Have  ,Always. Had. To. Stand. Together  To. Survive.  .  Again.  Black. People,Have. To. Come. Together With.  United.  Voices. For. Justice. To-Thrive....

  18. News.  Said. John. Lewis. Died. Yesterday. .  He. Did. A. Lot. ,Had.  A. lot Of,,Courage.  Trying. To. Cross. The. Edmund. Pettus   Bridge. He. And. Many. Others. We're. Beaten.  . This. Year. He. Saw. The. Protesting ,,Lack. Of   Justice. For. Black. People. Racist. Police. Murdering   Black-People.  Racist. Evil  Vile  White Police  Have  Not   Changed  ..  Few  ,Days. Before   John   Lewis   Death  Preacher   C  T Vivian  Died. He,Also ,Involved  In   Civil   Rights.   Do  Not   Believe   John  Lewis Or,Preacher -C. T. Vivian Talked. About. Black.  Church.  Corruption .  Preachers. In -Prison. For.  Child. Raping. Murdering.   Their.  Wives ,Sex.  With ,Teenage.  Girls.  Preachers.  Stealing.  Millions. Of  Church.  Money -Buying.  Rich. Cars.  Mansions.  Not. Trying. To. Uplift.   Poor. Black-Communities .  Preachers. Are. Snakes.  . Black. People. Who. Go. To-Church. Are. Scared.  Of   These.  Pinp  Preachers.  Black. Political,NAACP. Scared. Of  Preachers.   Sports. Entertainment ,,-Former. Presidents. Giving. Praise. To. John. Lewis....

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