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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I attended a book launch party last night for Wench it was packed. The acclaim for the novel is universal. I'm gonna move it to the top of my list of books to read. The next one will be in Seattle on Jan 25th.
  2. Ruth McBride Jordan, who was the subject of James McBrides’s, New York Times Best Selling Book, The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother, passed last week at the age of 88. As reported in this article by the New York Times.
  3. Here are links to the Thumper's Corner Discussion Forums (thumperscorner.com), from 2002 until January 2010. In January of 2010 the forums were upgraded and moved to where the reside now, AALBC.com/tc. Forum conversations prior to 2002 were lost. Thumper’s Corner (Renamed “Black Literature”) Thumper's Corner - Archive 2003 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2004 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2005 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2006 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2007 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2008 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2009 Thumper's Corner - Archive 2010 (Final) Culture, Race, and Economy Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2003 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2004 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2005 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2006 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2007 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2008 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2009 Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2010 (Final) The Poetree The Poetree - 2002 to 2005 Archive The Kool Room (discontinued in 2006) The Kool Room - Archive to July 2005 The Kool Room - Archive July 2005 to April 2006 Events (Events now maintained here: https://aalbc.com/events/) EVENTS - Archive 2005 to 2007 EVENTS - Archive 2007 to 2010 (Final)
  4. @aalbcIn case you did not check out this book when it first came out. Sleep Don't Come Easy Click to order via Amazonby Victor McGlothin & J.D. Mason Read an AALBC.com Book Review I came across Sleep Don’t Come Easy by J.D. Mason and Victor McGlothin some time ago. I threw it in my “to read” pile when I spotted J.D. Mason’s name on the front cover. I have been a huge fan of Mason since I read one of her early novels, And on the Eighth Day She Rested. I have been hooked on Mason from that day on. Now that I am back into the swing of reading and reviewing, I reached into my mountainous “to read” stack and pulled out the short story anthology Sleep Don’t Come Easy. Although I have been in love with Mason for years, I had not read any of Victor McGlothin works. None of his novel summaries captured my attention enough for me to want to read any of his books. I was willing to give McGlothin a shot, and he did not disappoint. Both authors delivered fantastic detective/mystery stories. I dived into the book with a thirst that I knew was about to be quenched, if not by McGlothin then definitely by Mason, because Mason can do no wrong when it comes to a story. From the first page to the last, Sleep Don’t Come Easy was a gooey, sticky-sweet, delicious treat. I LOVED IT! Read the rest of the review Please just click through any error messages the review page might generate. I hope to have those bug corrected by tomorrow
  5. Hey rainytoo. You can setup a permanent link to your Blog talk show in the Blog section. You can also add the information to the show in the events calendar. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Well I decided to disable the old discussion board Sunday evening, January 17th, 2010. I worked out of the functionality bugs here that I identified. I sent everyone who had an active account an email describing the upgrade and relocation. I also send a notice to all of the members of the AALBC.com facebook group. That is about 1,300 people. I'll also mention it in the next newsletter, which will be mailed by the end of the month; and go to over 17,000 subscribers. I know some people are in all three of those group so please forgive the bombardment You know, after 8 years on the old discusison board I never did figure out how to put a smiley face icon in one of my posts
  7. Kanye compares himself to poet, Maya Angelou. Kanye West is stepping back into the limelight — and bringing his ego, too. The "Heartless" rapper took to his blog Monday and announced his return to the studio, reports People.com. West, who has laid low since hijacking Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the MTV Music Video Awards in September, promised to "bring you the best I have to offer with the same dedication that Kobe [bryant] has on the court." The star continues, "It's funny how so many rappers get worse as their careers stretch out, but true poets get better." West writes that he wants to follow in the footsteps of giants like Maya Angelou, Nina Simone and Gill Scott-Heron (whose name West misspells "Herron"). In his usual style of all capital letters, West also wrote, "Their work improved with time. They documented what was happening in culture." The rapper, who is nominated for six Grammy Awards, adds that "modern day poets and artists" have a responsibility to represent what's happening, so that "when the powers that be try to rewrite history you can always look at our works and find truth." At the end of the post, West also took aim at the media, encouraging fans to "soak in positive forces and look down upon those who masquerade as truth tellers… Look past the headlines and deal with just a bit of reality." The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards air live on Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. on CBS. Related Topics Read more
  8. Yeah the learning curve on the admin side for the new board is pretty steep too. Fortunately the support supplied by the vendor is pretty fast; which was a primary factor in choosing this vendor. Click here to learn more about Dolen.
  9. I'm glad you found registering to be easy. Looking forward to some interesting conversations!
  10. Though I have not formerly annouced it yet (still working through some issues); this, the new Thumper's Corner discussion board is ready for use now! I hope that; The people who regularly posted on the old board continue to post on the new board Some new blood will be injected in the conversation People will take advantage of the new features benefical; including the Social Network capability, Events Calendar, Blogs, Facebook Connect, Gallery, etc. People can now sign into Thumper's Corner using their Facebook accounts. However you can still create your own login if you want to posts under alter ego. Before the end of the month (perhaps with in the next week) I will lock the old discussion Thumper's Corner Discusision Baord down. The old posts will remain, but new Thumpers corner conversation will have to be made here, on the new Thumper's Corner. In a day or two, I will email everyone (about 650 people) who has an active account on the old Thumper's Corner and invite them to join us here.
  11. ABC News "investigates" why Black Women can't find a Black Man to Marry This was the most popular conversation from the Legacy (old) discussion boards last week. (read the conversation)
  12. Wench: A Novel by Dolen Perkins-Valdez I had a feeling that even though we are educated enough in the institution of slavery, there are still aspects that take me by surprise. Dolen Perkins-Valdez debut novel, Wench, is about one of those little surprises. The story takes place in an 1853 Ohio vacation resort which serves as an intersection of time and place for a group of the slave/mistress and their masters. The novel delves into the relationships between the women and their masters, and each other. Wench is a graceful, unassumingly powerful novel that was infectious. I loved it, a highly impressive debut novel. Read the reast of Thumper's review
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