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Blue Eyed People Descended From One Single Person?

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Every blue eyed person on the planet is a descendant of one single person

Story by Kate Plummer  Yesterday 3:41 AM

Blue eyed people, listen up.


Ever wondered why your eyes are the colour they are? Well wonder no more.

Every blue eyed person is descended from a single European who lived around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, according to scientists.

How did they work it out? Originally, all humans had brown eyes in various shades until there was a specific mutation that made the change.


The mutation is a gene called HERC2 and it switches off OCA2, the gene that determines how much brown pigment we make.


So that's why eyes become blue.


As for being descended from the same person, the evidence for this is because every blue eyed person alive today has this same mutation.

Scientists reckon only 8 to 10 per cent of the population have blue eyes and eyes don't fully develop in childhood meaning the brown pigment can kick in later, causing blue eyed children to end up with brown eyes in adulthood.

So if you have blue eyes, now you know - your family is a lot bigger than you might have thought previously.


A team at the University of Copenhagen released research on the subject.

Professor Hans Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine said: "Originally, we all had brown eyes. But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a ‘switch,’ which literally "turned off" the ability to produce brown eyes."


Every blue eyed person on the planet is a descendant of one single person (msn.com)

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Without making it too complicated, blue eyes are basically a result of how the pupils appear when there's not enough melanin....especially Eumelanin....in it to give it the standard brown or black color.

The article states that the origin of blue eyed people can be traced back to between 6000 and 1000 years ago.
Elijah Muhammad taught that Caucasians were MADE (not created) from the original people by a form of selective breeding sometimes between 6000 and 7000 years ago
 -which pretty much lines up with the dates these scientists' findings.

The article states that blue eyed people can be traced back to a single ancestor.
Eljah Muhammad taught that all Caucasians come from just 60,000 ancestors who lived together on a single island called Patmos or Pelan.
-One is different than 60,000 but in context of an entire global population,  60,000 people isolated on a single island comes pretty close to the "one person" theory.

The article actually calls blue eyes a MUTATION.
Elijah Muhammad taught that blue eyes....was a result of DEVIATION during the process of making a devil.
-Slight differences in that a mutation is considered accidental where as a deviation and making a devil is INTENTIONAL and planned.

It should also be noted that ONLY in the West do people find blue eyes "beautiful" and attractive.
People from untouched uncolonized societies such as the Indians of the Amaz0n and people who live on remote islands in the Pacific such as North Sentinel Island DO NOT find blue eyes attractive and see them as signs of disease.

Infact, often times when someone is blind or eye has a disease....their eye will appear BLUE or GREY.

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