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Can you give a reason?

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If a black child comes to you, born and being reared in the usa, and asks: " I Want to be a soldier in the USA military but I don't know another reason , outside it looks cool, my parents said I must come up with one reason that involves the black communities betterment or they will send me away, please help me"?

What do you say to the child?   


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I doubt any real child (under 12) is going to discuss with their parents or caregivers about their wishes to join the U.S. military. Children are mainly interested in playing their favorite video games, watching their most admired movies or videos and hanging out with their closest playmates.

However, if you're talking about a teenager, I can understand the question.

I am curious why you chose to use a promotional poster from a 1984 motion picture about an investigation into an Army's Sargent's murder in Louisiana during World War II.

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