1 Publications from Colossus Books an Imprint of Amber Communications Group, Inc.

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Tony and his wife Yvonne Rose of Amber Communications Group, Inc

Amber Communications Group, Inc. is devoted to bringing you the BEST in African-American Titles. Amber Books is the Award-Winning Publisher of Self-Help and Career-Guide Books for African-Americans. Books that can help you in everyday life, Books that can give you an income, Books that can help make you famous, Books that can give you the confidence, information, education and power to succeed. In July 2000 the Company expanded to include BUSTA BOOKS our Celebrity Bio imprint. September 2001 COLOSSUS BOOKS emerged as the hot new imprint, which features world-renowned personalities and history-making topics. January 2003 marks the beginning of AMBROSIA BOOKS, the imprint for nonfiction and fiction, novels and docu-dramas.

Black Power Line