Book Cover and Banner Advertisements

Book Cover and Banner Advertisements ($349)

With an AALBC Book Cover or Banner Advertisement, your book cover or banner Ad will appear on almost every AALBC page for 35 Days.

  • Book covers and banner ads are prominently displayed on our website. This, plus our targeted audience, results in relatively high click through rates.
  • Campaigns may start on any date you select.
  • Book covers will rotate in one of five positions.
  • Book covers will be displayed at least 100,000 times (typically many more times) during a single 35-day campaign.
  • Discounts are available for multi-book or multi-period campaigns.
  • If you link your advertisement to an AALBC page we will create a free Author Profile (a $199 value) for you. If you already have an Author Profile, and link your advertisement to an AALBC page, we will extend your campaign to 45 days! Linking your advertisement to an AALBC page increases the possibility your book will make our Bestsellers List which will result in additional free promotion.
  • Click the “Buy Now” button below to get started.

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