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Advertising Price List Updated January 27, 2023

photo of Black girl promoting advertising on AALBC.comNewsletter are rich email messages sent to our mailing list of over 18,400 subscribers. Open rates are greater than 35%. You pick the mailing date (based upon availability). This is not a typical “eBlast” service; as our emails are limited in number and curated to include only information we believe our readers will find valuable. Our mailing list is one of the most targeted available to reach readers who enjoy Black literature.

Our newsletter service also includes a free Author Profile, a $199 value.

If you have any additional questions call us at 347-692-2522 (please leave a message) or email us for a faster response. More Advertising Options on AALBC ▶

Dedicated Sponsored Email ($499):

Dedicated Sponsored Emails are special emails that are entirely dedicated to a single book, author, business, or event.

  • The text should contain 300 to 500 words.
  • Provide images. Typically this will include a hero banner image to start the newsletter 600 pixels wide (exactly) x 250 pixels high (max), a head shot of the author, and a book cover.
  • Provide the name of the sponsor we should use (i.e. This Month’s eNewsletter is sponsored by “Name of Sponsor”)
  • Provide the URLs where we should link the graphic and text.
  • Many authors and publishers link to their AALBC page, as any sales generated count toward the AALBC Bestsellers List. This can result in additional promotion is enough sales are made to make our bestsellers list.
  • Here is an example of a Dedicated Sponsored Email.
  • Click the “Buy Now” button below to get started.

In a Sponsored Newsletter advertisers get to place a large banner at the start of an AALBC Newsletter.

  • Provide a graphic that is 600 pixels wide (exactly) x 250 pixels high (max)
  • The text should contain less than 70 words.
  • Provide the name of the sponsor we should use (i.e. This Month’s eNewsletter is sponsored by “Name of Sponsor”)
  • Provide the URLs where we should link the graphic and text.
  • Many authors and publishers link to their AALBC page, as any sales generated count toward the AALBC Bestsellers List. This can result in additional promotion is enough sales are made to make our bestsellers list.
  • Here is an example of a Sponsored Newsletter.
  • Click the “Buy Now” button below to get started.

Sponsored Newsletter 2nd Position ($249):

Same benefits as the Sponsored Newsletter (described above), except the banners 590 pixels wide (exactly) x 230 pixels high (max) and are placed at the end of the newsletter. There are a maximun of two advertisements in our newsletter.

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