Dexter Scott King

AALBC Mourns the Passing of Dexter Scott King

Dexter Scott King Author Photo

Biography of Dexter Scott King

Dexter Scott King (January 30, 1961 — January 21, 2024) was a civil rights activist, attorney, author, actor, and film producer. He was second son of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. He was seven when his father was killed.

Dexter has also been involved in preserving the legacy of his father, including serving as the chairman of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta. This organization focuses on continuing the work and preserving the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Additionally, Dexter Scott King has worked as a film producer and director, using media to highlight issues of social justice and equality.

King reveals the struggle of growing up under the weight of his father’s legacy during this C-Span2 Book TV presentation.

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1 Book by Dexter Scott King