G. Percy Smalley
Biography of G. Percy Smalley
G. Percy Smalley was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Pasadena California, where he attended John Muir High. As the starting point guard on his high school basketball team, Smalley wrote a short story to impress a pretty song girl, Natalie. The short story was a romantic tale that peaked her interest and got him a seat next to her on a bus ride to a game.
25 years later with a B.S. Degree in Applied Business Management, a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management, and a Doctoral candidate in Business Administration, Smalley is still about the business of impressing his lovely wife, Natalie with his romantic tales that seem to twist and shout with intrigue. The Smalley’s have seven sons and one daughter and still live in the Pasadena area. G.P. produces film, television, and multimedia projects while coaching college basketball. Because of his passion for writing Natalie always saves a seat for him on the bus these days.
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