Sharon Ewell Foster

Sharon Ewell Foster Author Photo

Biography of Sharon Ewell Foster

Sharon Ewell Foster is an author, speaker, and teacher.

Sharon Ewell Foster & AALBC founder Troy Johnson

Formerly, a Defense Department instructor, writer, analyst, and logistician, Sharon says: "Most of my adult life has been spent working for the Defense Department as an instructor, writer/editor, or logistician. I hid out there getting a regular paycheck and hiding from my writing. I was employed at the Defense Information School at Fort Meade, Maryland. It was my pleasure to train military and civilian student-broadcasters, journalists, graphic artists, photographers, videographers, public affairs officers, and broadcast maintenance specialists-in the art of instruction. Thank God for those who serve to protect us! Beginning January 2000, I surrendered my career plans and began writing full time. My desire is to write in a way that brings honor to my family, to my people, and most importantly to God. As I write, I discover every day that writing is truly the desire of my heart. I thank God for blessing me with this gift and opportunity."

Foster’s Passing by Samaria, the first successful work of Christian fiction by an African American author was chosen as the NAACP Book of the Year in 2000. The Resurrection of Nat Turner, Part One: The Witnesses, won the 2012 Shaara Prize for Civil War Fiction. Foster is also the winner of the Christy Award, and the Gold Pen Award.

Foster is a Daily Guideposts contributor.

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10 Books by Sharon Ewell Foster