Stephanie Renee Bell

Stephanie Renee Bell Author Photo

Biography of Stephanie Renee Bell

Stephanie Renée Bell, author of 5 books: 4 novels and her autobiography, was on the earth for approximately 654,969,000 seconds, i.e. 20 years, 280 days and 16 hours. At the age of 10 years, she prayed a prayer to accept Jesus Christ into her heart as her Lord and Savior. Total immersion baptism during her teens was her public profession of faith. She went to Heaven on March 25, 2010.

God supplied Stephanie with multiple gifts. An accomplished classically-trained pianist, she also was a guitarist, music composer (copyrighted instrumentals and lyrics, including more than 40 Christian rap songs deliberately written in the vernacular of youth, particularly urban youth, for whom she felt a particular burden), artist and dancer. Some of her music included her pseudonyms “NiteLyte” and “AjiaJade”.

A prolific author, Stephanie completed 4 novels, poetry, essays and other prose, including several installments of “fan fiction.” Like the numerous unfinished stories that she wrote, the story of her eternal life will never end.

She maintained an “A” average in all of her college coursework until she could no longer continue due to a malignant brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme.  Read more about Stephanie’s inspirational story.

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3 Books by Stephanie Renee Bell