Toni Harris
Biography of Toni Harris
Toni Harris, business extraordinaire, coach and speaker, is the Turnaround Queen®. Harris’ abiding passion mixed with her dynamic and energetic speaking encourages her audiences to achieve extraordinary results while encouraging them to step outside of their comfort zone. With over 25 years experience as an entrepreneur, including 14 years as a financial advisor and manager, Toni’s unique strategies help her clients to thrive!
Toni brings a level of professionalism and expertise to organizations, continuously producing “Drastic Results”. As a Constant Contact Solution Provider, she received the company’s very first “Rookie of the Year” award for her outstanding performance and currently is the #1 Solution Provider in North America proving that Toni knows sales! She recently released her fourth book, Soar 2 Success with Sales and Marketing – 78 Tips for D.R.A.S.T.I.C. Results! She also received the Top 100 Small Business Influencer Award.
Utilizing her personal and professional experience, Toni specializes in email and social media marketing, coaching her small business clients to achieve drastic results in their marketing strategies to increase revenue and profitability. Because of her phenomenal success and ability to teach others, Harris is sought after to teach and inspire other professionals. Learn more at Toni Harris’’s official website
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