Angela Dews
Angela Dews is a 4-Time Bestselling Author
Angela M. Dews used to be busy at journalism, politics, public service and government and started on a contemplative path on retreat in New Mexico’s Southern Rockies. Now she writes and teaches in New York City.
Harlem Hit & Run is the first of three murder mysteries set in the 1990s in Harlem, which is a complex character in each story. When Angela told an agent the hero of her murder mystery was a Buddhist, the agent said she was interested in a story about practicing Buddhism in the city. Angela’s 2018 book Still, in the City. Creating Peace of Mind in the Midst of Urban Chaos (Skyhorse Publishing) offers two dozen stories about the fierce practice of urban Buddhism.
Angela graduated from Howard University and a summer program at the Columbia University School of Journalism that sought to increase the number of Black journalists after the street rebellions in the 60s.
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