Faye Childs

Faye Childs photo

Faye Childs (October 15, 1956 – September 2, 2021) was a literary agent and advocate for Black literature founded the Black Board Bestsellers list. The Black Board Bestsellers list was a significant contribution to the literary world as it focused on highlighting and promoting books written by Black authors.

The list was created in the 1990s as a response to the lack of recognition and promotion of Black literature in mainstream literary circles. Childs recognized the importance of providing a platform specifically dedicated to showcasing the works of Black authors and ensuring that their voices were heard and celebrated.

The Black Board Bestsellers list played a crucial role in promoting Black literature and increasing visibility for Black authors. By showcasing the diversity and richness of Black literary voices, the list helped to challenge stereotypes and broaden the representation of Black experiences in literature.

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1 Book by Faye Childs