Lloyd Hollis Crooks

Lloyd Hollis Crooks photo

Lloyd Hollis Crooks was born in Fyzabad in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. He received his early education at the Fyzabad Canadian Mission School and Forest Reserve E.C. School. Later, he attended Fyzabad Secondary E.C. School and Oxford Commercial College. Lloyd also attended Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York.

Mr. Crooks was employed as a Hansard Parliament Reporter, Court Reporter, and a Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. He also worked as a Legal Secretary in various Wall Street law firms.

Mr. Crooks’ travels to Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean have influenced not only his writing but his love of music. He moonlights as a solo pianist; his hobbies are cricket and soccer; and has an avid passion for traversing the streets of New York City. He puts it aptly: "The streets give me the rhythm; without it, I’m bare, and my story is sterile."

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1 Book by Lloyd Hollis Crooks