Ruha Benjamin

Ruha Benjamin photo

Ruha Benjamin is sociologist, professor, and author known for her work at the intersection of technology, race, and social justice. She is an Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and the founding director of the Ida B. Wells JUST Data Lab. Ruha Benjamin’s research and teaching focus extensively on the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine with a keen interest in the relationship between innovation and inequity, health and justice, knowledge, and power.

She is a:

  1. Prominent Scholar in African American Studies: Ruha Benjamin has a prominent place in the academic world with her focus on African American studies and her position at a prestigious institution like Princeton University underscores the importance of her work in this field.
  2. Author of Influential Works: Benjamin has authored several influential works, including “Race After Technology” and “People’s Science,” where she discusses the role of innovation and technology in perpetuating systemic racism and other forms of social inequities.
  3. Public Speaker and Influencer: Besides her academic endeavors, she is known for her powerful public speaking engagements where she articulates the complex relationships between technology and society and brings attention to critical issues concerning racial justice in the context of modern technology and scientific advancements.
  4. Advocate for Social Justice: Her work is not limited to the academic sphere; she actively works towards promoting social justice, using her platform to highlight the critical issues related to racial bias in technology and other domains.
  5. Founding Director of the JUST Data Lab: The JUST Data Lab she founded aims to foster collaboration between researchers, organizers, and advocates to develop research and analytics that can help foster social justice and improve societal well-being, showcasing her commitment to using research for societal betterment.
  6. Recognition and Awards: Ruha Benjamin has been recognized for her work with several awards, including the 2020 Benjamin E. Lippincott Award, given by the American Political Science Association, which highlights her influence and impact in the scholarly world.
  7. Multidisciplinary Approach: Ruha Benjamin takes a multidisciplinary approach in her work, integrating aspects of sociology, African American studies, science, and technology to provide a rich, detailed, and nuanced analysis of the contemporary issues facing society.

Benjamin plays a pivotal role in bringing discussions of race and technology into mainstream academic discourse, her active role in advocating for social justice, and her innovative approach to teaching and researching in her field. Her works facilitate a deeper understanding of the societal implications of technology, particularly regarding issues of race and justice, making her an important figure in contemporary discussions on these topics.

Learn more at Ruha Benjamin’s official website

5 Books by Ruha Benjamin