Wesley Muhammad

Wesley Muhammad photo

Dr. Wesley Muhammad is an American scholar, author, and public speaker known for his research and teachings on various topics related to history, religion, and social issues. He holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan and is recognized for his expertise in the field of Nation of Islam history and theology.

Dr. Wesley Muhammad’s contributions lie in his extensive research and analysis of the teachings and ideology of the Nation of Islam, particularly the works of its leader, Elijah Muhammad. He has written several books and delivered numerous lectures exploring the intersections of race, religion, and identity in the African American community. His work has sparked critical conversations and deepened understanding of the Nation of Islam’s historical context, beliefs, and impact on its followers.

Through his scholarly endeavors, Dr. Wesley Muhammad has become a prominent figure in academic circles and has engaged in dialogues with scholars, activists, and the public at large. He continues to influence discussions on religion, race, and social justice, offering unique perspectives and insights into the complex dynamics of the African American experience in America.

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7 Books by Wesley Muhammad