Whale Trails, Before and Now
by Lesa Cline-Ransome
Henry Holt & Company (BYR) (Jan 20, 2015)
Hardcover, 40 pages
Target Age Group: Picture Book
Description of Whale Trails, Before and Now by Lesa Cline-Ransome
"My father and I live for the sea. He is the captain of the Cuffee Whale Boat and today I am his First Mate."Whale-watching is a hugely popular pastime: at least 13 million people take whale-watching trips each year. But in the past, whaling ships hunted these animals to use their blubber for fuel and their bones for fishing hooks. As the whale population thinned, fortunately hunting ceased. Now, whale lovers go out on boats just to get a glimpse of these giant endangered creatures. Narrated by a little girl out on the waves with her father, this is a story of marine history and the differences between then and now.

- ISBN: 9780805096422
- Imprint: Henry Holt & Company (BYR)
- Publisher: Macmillan Publishers
- Parent Company: Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Books similiar to Whale Trails, Before and Now may be found in the categories below:
- Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Marine Life
- Juvenile Fiction / Historical / Exploration & Discovery
- Juvenile Fiction / Historical / United States / 19Th Century
- Juvenile Fiction / Nature & The Natural World / General