Book Cover Image of Obama Guilty Of Being President While Black by D.T. Pollard

Obama Guilty Of Being President While Black
by D.T. Pollard

    Publication Date: Sep 22, 2009
    List Price: $14.95
    Format: Paperback, 182 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780982460627
    Imprint: Book Express
    Publisher: Book Express
    Parent Company: Book Express

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    Description of Obama Guilty Of Being President While Black by D.T. Pollard

    OBAMA GUILTY of BEING PRESIDENT WHILE BLACK examines how the shadows of oppressive Jim Crow laws played a role in the hate spewed towards the 44th President of the United States. The role of race and gender was front and center during the presidential campaign. How a woman was used as a human shield by the Republicans is also clearly illustrated. Barack Obama received a mandate in the general election. A few months later, it was a curious sight to witness people gathered around town hall meeting sites bearing signs depicting the President as Hitler, socialist or a tyrant. Some even carried guns and a pastor prayed that Obama would die. A Republican Congressman even called President Obama a liar on national television during his health-care speech to a joint session of CongressThere was something much deeper at play with President Obama and it centered on his race. Find out how questions about the President’s birth, religion, economic policies and patriotism were all smoke screens for feelings as old as the United States itself.

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