Soft is the New Power: Embracing Your Feminine Edge to Win in Love & Life
by Deya Smith
CreateSpace (Mar 31, 2016)
Paperback, 166 pages
Description of Soft is the New Power: Embracing Your Feminine Edge to Win in Love & Life by Deya Smith
Soft is the New Power: Embracing Your Feminine Edge to Win in Love & Life by Deya “Direct” Smith
Women have an innate power to attract amazing relationships through understanding and acceptance coupled with the ability to approach life with a feminine touch. With her latest book Soft is the New Power Deya Smith encourages readers to step out of their comfort zone and take a stronger, but softer position to gain what they want.
Why did you write this book?
I wrote this book for several reasons. The main reason is that I want to encourage women to be savvy and strategic about how we use the tools of communication to attract and influence. This is particularly true for Black women who are boxed in as all the same and are unfairly branded as loud and confrontational. Similar to how financial experts advise us to diversify our portfolios, I am advising and providing tools to support us in becoming wiser about diversifying our communication portfolios.
Please explain the title Soft is the New Power.
The idea is that we can shift our perspective on what it means to be soft and feminine. There is nothing weak about being the softer sex. In fact, it’s extremely powerful if you know how to use it strategically to authentically get want you want and need. We don’t need to win like men because we can do extremely well by winning as women. I share in the book:
One day, while in a heated argument with an ex, I enjoyed verbal sparring, and debated for fun, thus the moniker “direct” was created; however, on this particular day my ego was crushed when my ex told me something that really hit a nerve. Regarding my tough-as-nails demeanor he said, “If I wanted to date a man, then I would be with one. You will never be as hard as a man so stop trying…” Honestly, I didn’t want to be a hard woman. Like everyone else, I wanted a safe place to be soft and let my guard down, but I had forgotten how. I had some soul searching to do. The first thing I realized was that I looked soft and feminine on the outside, but my energy, my heart and sometimes my mind was more hard and closed off than I was comfortable admitting. Slowly, the soft journey of discovery began. With my newest book, I impress upon women to knock down the hard walls and allow the soft layers within to bloom.
What do you hope readers will glean from reading your book?
I focus on two big concepts: The Soft Strategy and The Secret Power of a Man Whisperer. The Soft Strategy explains the concept of soft power and reveal why it’s a game changer. The Secret Power of a Man Whisperer will actively help the reader apply the principles of soft power in her love life. I want readers to walk away understanding the power that they possess to communicate effectively and regain the tools needed to connect to a man’s heart. This book will also help: Exit masculine-mode & enter into your feminine energy;
- Trust in God and oneself;
- Experience deeper intimacy and connections;
- Learn the Art of Becoming a ‘Man Whisperer’;
- Attract more love, happiness & success

- ISBN: 9781523956326
- Imprint: CreateSpace
- Publisher: On-Demand Publishing LLC
- Parent Company:, Inc.
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