A Renegade Called Simphiwe
by Pumla Dineo Gqola
Publication Date: Oct 01, 2013
List Price: $28.95
Format: Paperback, 180 pages
Classification: Nonfiction
ISBN13: 9781920601089
Imprint: Jacana Media
Publisher: Jacana Media
Parent Company: Jacana Media, Ltd
Description of A Renegade Called Simphiwe by Pumla Dineo Gqola
In eight essays, Pumla Dineo Gqola shows why Simphiwe Dana is arguably the most significant cultural figure working in contemporary South Africa today. Dana’s musical repertoire, self-styling choices, public debates, and growing written output display her causes. Controversy, tabloid headlines, and fluctuating public responses to Dana all reveal South African sensitivities on Blackness, femininity, language, and the imagination. Part intellectual biography and part commentary on South African contemporary culture, Gqola has captured a must-read portrait of Dana, her music and writing, her cultural activism, the vision in her work, and changing politics against the background of a changing postapartheid popular culture.
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