From Thug to Scholar: An Odyssey to Unmask My True Potential
by James A. Williams

List Price: $21.95

PENDIUM Publishing (Nov 29, 2013)
Hardcover, 280 pages

Description of From Thug to Scholar: An Odyssey to Unmask My True Potential by James A. Williams

This is a journey through my life where being intelligent and following the didactic spiritual teachings of my parents got me laughed at and teased until I adopted and embraced a thug mentality. I became a prisoner of my mind by seeking to please and to gain acceptance from others. Chasing a masked lifestyle that was opposed to my God-given potential, I was no different from the millions of people who chase materialistic things, lifestyles, and religions to please their parents, friends, or partners. Most of these people wake up unhappy, unfulfilled, and unable to identify the person reflecting back in their bathroom mirror. I was that person for many years, but I transformed and this book will inspire you to transform and unmask your true potential. Life lessons and fascinating journeys will be shared to demonstrate how I unmasked and went from a thug to a scholar.

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