Open Your G.I.F.T.S.: 22 Lessons on Finding and Embracing Your Personal Power
Edited by Kim Coles
Publication Date: May 10, 2017
List Price: $25.00
Format: Paperback, 188 pages
Classification: Nonfiction
ISBN13: 9781945558610
Imprint: Purposely Created Publishing Group
Publisher: Purposely Created Publishing Group
Parent Company: Purposely Created Publishing Group
Description of Open Your G.I.F.T.S.: 22 Lessons on Finding and Embracing Your Personal Power by Kim Coles
Created by actress and comedian Kim Coles, who shares her own personal hardships and survivals, this anthology will support you in regaining your spiritual resiliency to design a life of passion.Centered on the core themes of gratitude, intention, forgiveness, triumph, and self-love, each chapter reveals the necessary elements of purposeful living and how to acquire them. The intimate expressions herein will help you liberate your inner child, collect all the life lessons you’ve obtained so far, and welcome them into the abundance of your future.Enlightening, accessible, and rooted in real people’s experiences, Open Your G.I.F.T.S. is a required reading for women seeking satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives. Unearth your authentic positioning and discover what your empowering destiny in this world really is.Learn more at
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