Book Cover Image of Reparations! by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

    Publication Date: Jun 01, 2023
    List Price: $9.95
    Format: Paperback, 84 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    ISBN13: 9798890749451
    Imprint: Middle Passage Press
    Publisher: Middle Passage Press
    Parent Company: Middle Passage Press

    Description of Reparations! by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

    In Reparations! Hutchinson examines the many facets of the raging debate over reparations. He explores the history of reparations proposals. He compares reparations paid to other groups for injustices including Germany’s reparations payout to Holocaust survivors to the demand for slavery reparations.

    He assesses the arguments for and against reparations and why it has become such a racially polarizing issue. He asks can you put a price tag on slavery reparations and what is that price to be made for slavery’s two-century horror. A huge part of the calamitous legacy is the continuing towering economic and racial inequities Hutchinson says that whether one backs or opposes reparations it’s an issue that will continue to ignite prickly passions within and without America’s racial fault lines.

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