Book Cover Image of The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader by David Levering Lewis

The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader
by David Levering Lewis

    Publication Date: Jun 01, 1995
    List Price: $23.00
    Format: Paperback, 816 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780140170368
    Imprint: Penguin Group USA
    Publisher: Penguin Random House
    Parent Company: Bertelsmann

    Paperback Description:
    From its beginnings in 1919, with soldiers returning from the Great War, to its sputtering end in 1934, with the Great Depression, the New Negro Movement in arts and letters proclaimed the experience of African American men and women. This magnificent volume features a wealth of fiction and nonfiction works by 45 writers from that exuberant era.

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