Book Cover Image of Coming on Home Soon by Jacqueline Woodson

Coming on Home Soon
by , Illustrated by E. B. Lewis

    Publication Date: Oct 07, 2004
    List Price: $18.99
    Format: Hardcover, 32 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    Target Age Group: Picture Book
    ISBN13: 9780399237485
    Imprint: Nancy Paulsen Books
    Publisher: Penguin Random House
    Parent Company: Bertelsmann

    Hardcover Description:

    Ada Ruth’s mama must go away to Chicago to work, leaving Ada Ruth and Grandma behind. It’s war time, and women are needed to fill the men’s jobs.

    As winter sets in, Ada Ruth and her grandma keep up their daily routine, missing Mama all the time. They find strength in each other, and a stray kitten even arrives one day to keep them company, but nothing can fill the hole Mama left. Every day they wait, watching for the letter that says Mama will be coming on home soon. Set during World War II, Coming On Home Soon has a timeless quality that will appeal to all who wait and hope.

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