Book Cover Image of Insects and Spiders  by Christine Taylor Butler

Insects and Spiders
by Christine Taylor Butler

    Publication Date: Sep 01, 2013
    List Price: $6.95
    Format: Paperback, 48 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    Target Age Group: Picture Book
    ISBN13: 9780531223383
    Imprint: Children’s Book Press
    Publisher: Lee & Low Books
    Parent Company: Lee & Low Books

    Paperback Description:

    Spiders and insects have a lot in common. Both are small animals with many legs, and most people do not like them. But while these creepy crawlers are similar in many ways, they are actually different kinds of animals. Readers will discover what sets insects and spiders apart and learn how different species are suited for their many habitats around the world.

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