Book Cover Image of “All Labor Has Dignity” by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“All Labor Has Dignity”
by Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Publication Date: Jan 10, 2012
    List Price: $18.00
    Format: Paperback, 264 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    ISBN13: 9780807086025
    Imprint: Beacon Press
    Publisher: Beacon Press
    Parent Company: Unitarian Universalist Association

    Paperback Description:

    An unprecedented and timely collection of Dr. King’s speeches on labor rights and economic justice

    Covering all the civil rights movement highlights—Montgomery, Albany, Birmingham, Selma, Chicago, and Memphis—award-winning historian Michael K. Honey introduces and traces Dr. King’s dream of economic equality. Gathered in one volume for the first time, the majority of these speeches will be new to most readers. The collection begins with King’s lectures to unions in the 1960s and includes his addresses made during his Poor People’s Campaign, culminating with his momentous "Mountaintop" speech, delivered in support of striking black sanitation workers in Memphis. Unprecedented and timely, "All Labor Has Dignity" will more fully restore our understanding of King’s lasting vision of economic justice, bringing his demand for equality right into the present.

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