Book Cover Image of Now and Then by Gil Scott-Heron

Now and Then
by Gil Scott-Heron

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    Publication Date: May 01, 2000
    List Price: Unavailable
    Format: Paperback, 120 pages
    Classification: Poetry
    ISBN13: 9780862419004
    Imprint: Canongate Books
    Publisher: Canongate Books
    Parent Company: Canongate Books

    Paperback Description:

    "A poet and polemicist whose lyrics have inspired and galvanized generations." —GQOne glance at Now and Then and it becomes evident that this is not merely a collection of a songwriter’s lyrics. The song-poems of this undisputed "bluesologist" triumphantly stand on their own, evoking the rhythm and urgency which have distinguished Gil Scott-Heron’s career. This collection carries the reader from the global topics of political hypocrisy and the dangers posed by capitalist culture to painfully personal themes and the realities of modern day life. His message is black, political, historically accurate, urgent, uncompromising, and mature, and as relevant now as it was in the early 1970s.

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