Book Cover Image of Young Cornrows Callin Out the Moon by Ruth Forman

Young Cornrows Callin Out the Moon
by Ruth Forman

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Publication Date: Mar 01, 2007
List Price: Unavailable
Format: Hardcover, 24 pages
Classification: Nonfiction
Target Age Group: Picture Book
ISBN13: 9780892392186
Imprint: Children’s Book Press
Publisher: Lee & Low Books
Parent Company: Lee & Low Books

Hardcover Description:

Who needs a backyard when there are brownstone steps, double dutch, and freeze tag beneath the sizzling summer sun? The jingling bell of the ice cream truck mingles with laughter and sidewalk rhymes. Frosty lemonade from the corner store and tight cornrows beat the heat with style. There’s nothing like summer in the city with friends, family, and a child’s imagination for company.

Ruth Forman offers a poetic testament to childhood, language, and play, and Cbabi Bayoc’s richly hued paintings bring the streets of South Philadelphia to vivid life.

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